Gesundheitstipps fürs Outdoorcamp

Submitted by Skydaphir on

Was sind für Gesundheistregeln in einem Outdoorcamp zu beachten? In diesem Artikel sind einige Gesundheitstipps dafür.

Personal hygiene

  • Wash hands frequently every day (before eating and before kitchen work, after using the toilet)
  • Provide soap
  • Brush teeth in the morning and evening
  • Morning toilet with washcloth and soap (washing area should be inviting)
  • Regular showering - idea: animation by showering with music


  • Build a clothesline to hang up wet clothes
  • stuff wet shoes with newspapers ( change newspapers often )
  • Changeclothes, especially underwear,more often

Hygiene in the kitchen

  • Wash hands frequently
  • Changekitchen apron, cleaning cloths and tea towels often
  • Storeleftovers tightly closed in the fridge (be careful at camp)
  • Reheat leftovers well before eating
  • Set upa storage room or animal-proof storage tent
  • Dispose of waste frequently
  • Damp mop kitchen floor daily in home storage
  • Wash kitchen utensils in hot water
  • Rinse dishes
  • Provide hot washing-up water for participantsat camp after meals
  • Store dishes in a personal cloth bag
  • Cleaning cloths for general cleaning work do not belong in the kitchen


  • Clean daily with cleaning agent
  • Provide soap and towels
  • If diarrhea occurs, designatea "sick toilet" (disinfect the door handle several times a day)
  • Latrines should be as comfortable and clean as possible , otherwise theywill be avoided
  • useburnt lime to flush latrines

Camp duties

  • Table setting, clearing and cleaning tables
  • Washing up and drying
  • Cleaning toilets and washrooms
  • Mopping corridors
  • Tidying up the surroundings

Note: Alltasks must be described in detail so that the participants know what work needs to be done.

Picture credits

Cover picture: © Annamartha /

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