Circus Performances
Basic Idea/Objective:
The teens will create one or more circus performances. Everyone is to be used according to their gift. Only teens perform in the ring. As many elements as possible of the program, the advertising and all areas of tent construction and technology are to be worked out by the teens themselves under the guidance of their leaders.
Duration / Period / Effort
Depending on the type of project, duration, period and effort will change.
As a large camp: preparation about ½ year in advance / prior project selection by teens and possibly training. Execution during a 1 - 2 week camp, depending on performance location and quantity.
As a large promotional event or Pfila (e.g. region) ¼ to ½ year in advance. Practice, rehearse, plan, get props ready, etc. in Jungschar or TC's program, one or more performances.
As a quarterly program of one or more Jungschars or TC's: ¼ to ½ year with one performance.
Suitable for:
Larger youth groups and groups of 30 or more teens, possible up to 200 or more teens, depending on type.
Materials needed:
Depending on the size and execution of the event.
For larger events, circus tent (e.g., of the Zurich-Glatttal region, Erich Werner, Schwerenbachstr. 26, 8117 Fällanden, or of Pepe Lukas Cadonau, Fröbelstrasse 5, 9500 Wil, with gradin (arena-style seating), ring, lighting, sound system and various tricks.
For smaller performances, an open-air performance or a performance in a gymnasium is also possible (completely different atmosphere).
Material depending on the interest groups and program points, brave leaders possibly professional circus animator who provides the necessary know-how.
We have had good experiences with the professional circus animator Pepe Cadonau (address above). A not very cheap, but very good business, as he brings along a lot of material and ideas besides professional know-how.
Book "Circuszauber erleben" by Lukas Pepe Cadonau, Freizyt-Lade, St. Karliquai 12, 6000 Luzern 5, borrow dossier "Circus" from Hansjörg Kaufmann, BESJ-Teeniebüro, Industriequartier, 8625 Gossau.
Lend video "Circus Piwolino 94" at BESJ-Shop, Niederglatterstr. 11, 8155 Niederhasli (video of the circus project during BESJ Pioneer Week 94)
It is also highly recommended to visit performances of various (especially smaller) circuses. This can help you to get a taste of the atmosphere, to see set-up, routine, tricks and shows you what and how circus actually is.
This depends on the size of the project. With a well-timed collection, with advertisements in the program booklet, with a raffle sale, a small restaurant and sponsors, a large part of the expenses can certainly be covered.
Execution of the project:
Depending on the size of the project, I could imagine the following project groups or a selection thereof:
project area
- Newspaper, local radio, photos
- Video
- Kiosk, ice cream sales, break sales, restaurant
- Lottery sales, snack stands, pins, t-shirt
- Making candy and food for sale
- Inviting for the Circus on streets and squares
- Making posters and handouts
- Drawing and designing the program booklet
- Make and set up banners and directional signs
Project area technology
- Tent setup, menege, gradin (seating)
- Sound, lighting, tricks, props
Project area program
- Clowns (Reprise clowns, as fillers between numbers and/or a whole clown no.)
- Trapeze
- Partner acrobatics, human pyramids
- Mini tramp jumps
- Floating beam
- Wild West show with lasso, whip, knife and firearm
- Circus orchestra
- Jazz dance/dance show
- "Magic show, rope tricks, illusions
- Jugglers with various juggling items (balls, scarves, diabolos, clubs, etc.)
- Animal act with real animals and/or participants in disguise
- Unicyclists, bicycle artists
- Evangelistic team for spiritual number
- BMX'ers, skaters, roller skates and roller blades, barrel racing
- Fire eaters and fakirs
- Number girls and boys
- Program announcers, speaking barnstormers
- And much more
A larger project needs coordinators with oversight and nerve. First, the projects are set. Second, participants can choose the project they like, or leaders of a Jungschar or TC choose the projects their Jungschar/TC wants to do. This is followed by practice by well-prepared leaders who have acquired quite a bit of know-how. The climax is then the demonstration, perhaps several, to which various people should also be invited as guests of honor (authorities, politicians, journalists, community leaders, etc.) This event is certainly a very good advertisement for the Jungschar/TC.
Important notes:
This project needs some leaders with vision, patience, perseverance and with the knowledge of the goal. Especially if this event is to be carried through for a quarter or two and culminate in a regional highlight, it needs group leaders who can motivate well so that the disparity between performances is not too great.
As a climax or promotional event in a region, or as a promotional event for a new Jungschar in outlying areas, for example.
Further information:
Source reference:
Content: Teenie working group, Margrit Hugentobler and Hansjörg Kaufmann, BESJ
copyright: BESJ Fällanden
image: Juropa .net
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