2 team games on communication and coordination

Submitted by kurtmühlematter on

Two simple team games for small groups to improve their communication and coordination


This fun game promotes cooperation and unity in a team. The goal can only be achieved if everyone plays their part and encourages each other.

Game explanation

Aim: the group must get the ball into the center as quickly as possible.



  • we lay a spiral on the floor with a rope about 10m long.
  • place a tennis ball at the entrance to the spiral.
  • all members of the team kneel around the outside of the spiral.


Course of the game:

  • the players try to move the tennis ball along the spiral to the center as quickly as possible using their nose, face or forehead.
  • each player passes the ball to the next until it reaches the center.
  • you can do it for time or for number of mistakes.


Rules of the game:

  • the players may lean into the circle and reach into it with their hands, but may not enter the circle themselves.
  • the players must all play in turn, no one may be passed over.
  • if the ball rolls over the rope or towards the center of the circle, they must start again (failed attempt). The ball must always move inside the spiral and must never roll over the rope.
  • players may only use their head to move the ball. Hands and other body parts are not allowed.


Game reflection:

  • How did you complement each other? How does it feel to be dependent on others?
  • How did you react when you made mistakes?
  • Were there things you improved during the game? Did you come up with new techniques?

Ball in the spiral

Communication and coordination

Similar to the game above, this is about coordination, verbal cooperation and therefore also fundamentally about communication principles such as listening to each other, expressing yourself clearly with words so that even a blind person can understand.

Explanation of the game

Aim: the group must guide one of their players, who is blind, through the spiral to the center of the circle by shouting verbally.


Game preparation:

  • again, we lay a spiral on the floor with a 10m long rope.
  • you can also place simple obstacles in the spiral.
  • for the blind person we need a cloth to cover the eyes or eye patches.


Course of the game:

  • a selected blind player stands at the beginning of the spiral and moves towards the center of the spiral.
  • all other players line up in turn around the outermost ring of the spiral.
  • the blind player moves towards the center, guided by the instructions of the players on the periphery of the circle.
  • you can again score for time or number of attempts.


Rules of the game:

  • the players on the outside of the circle may not enter the spiral or touch the blind man in any way.
  • the players may only say 1 word at a time, e.g. only "left"! As soon as they say two words or more, the blind person has to start again from the beginning. So they have to give a coordinated command in turn and at the right time. They must listen to each other and communicate well.
  • as soon as the blind person touches the rope in any way or the blind person leaves the spiral or steps over a rope, they have to start again from the beginning.


Reflection on the game:

  • see above
  • How did you feel as a blind person and what was it like to be so dependent on others?
  • How do you feel when you can't speak out and can only speak one word?
  • How did you manage to speak properly in turn? Did you listen?
  • How was the non-verbal communication? How was the group behavior?
  • Do you know similar situations in your everyday life?

Blind man in the spiral and shouts from the other players

Source reference

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