Blind chair dance

Submitted by mathijs@pionie… on

Fun variation on a well-known game.

Very fun to do at a bonte evening or as a component for a hexathlon.
Fits well into a program about the senses.


  • Fence tape (or rope)
  • Chairs or poufs
  • Tie cloths (you can also paint safety glasses completely black)
  • Music


Set off the "dance floor" with drop-off tape; within this ribbon, participants will try to find a chair or puff while dancing.


Blindfold the participants and check that they are properly blindfolded.


Set the music on. The participants will dance to the music.
You can also provide live music yourself :-)


Place the chairs (a little less than there are participants) on the dance floor. You can also use poufs for this, these are softer and give less risk of injury).


Turn off the music, this is the signal for the participants to find a chair (or pouf). After a short pause, the music comes back on, allowing participants to search while dancing.


If all the chairs are occupied, the game and the music stops. The participant(s) who did not find a seat will drop out.


Repeat steps 2 through 6 until a winner remains.


You can also make blind chair dancing a team competition. The participants now form two teams (for example, boys against the girls). Which of the teams manages to be the first to have all found a chair?


Title photo: Birgitta Hohenester /

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