When seconds make the difference between life, death or permanent damage to an accident victim, it is important to act correctly and take immediate life-saving measures quickly. Providing emergency aid and first aid is a self-evident duty towards all fellow human beings.
Behavioral steps in case of emergency
* Look: Overview of the situation; What has happened; Who is involved; Who is affected?
* Think: rule out danger to helpers; rule out danger to other people; rule out danger to patients;
* Act: Self-protection; Secure and signalize the accident site
(breakdown triangle, hazard warning lights); Switch off machines; Provide emergency assistance;
6 W-questions
* Where did it happen?
* Who is calling?
* What happened?
* When did it happen?
* How many people are affected?
* What else? Special hazards, trapped persons, smoke development, hanging electrical cables, identification number for hazardous goods transportation, leaked, unknown liquids, danger of falling in and out
Acting in crisis situations
- Assess the situation/problem
- Provide first aid if necessary
- Brief planning of the necessary measures
- Supervision of the participants
- Giving and checking orders
- Strengthen the leaders concerned (later clarification of guilt)
- Inform club and association management:
- Who and how many are affected?
- What, where, when did it happen?
- What measures were taken?
- Addresses of those involved
- Do not actively inform the media yourself
Important emergency numbers (Switzerland)
The emergency number 144 can be dialed free of charge in telephone booths or from public telephones. It can also be dialed free of charge directly from cell phones without an area code.
- 144 Ambulance
- 117 Police
- 118 Fire brigade
- 145 Tox center for poisoning
- 1414 Rega
Important emergency numbers (abroad)
There are also emergency numbers abroad. The most important ones are briefly listed here:
- 112 European emergency number
- 911 American emergency number
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