Schwarzenburg and Weissenstein

Submitted by Markus.Sigrist on

Terrain games with color / many colored dots

The story

The people of Schwarzenburg want to make their neighbor Weissenstein a little happy by painting colored dots on the white paper of the people of Weissenstein. However, the Weissensteiners have the same thing in mind for the Schwarzenburgers. Both countries therefore defend their land against their neighbor's colored dots and try to bring as many colored dots as possible to the neighboring country. However, they must first hunt for the paint dots in a finger paint can reserve.

The course of the game

  • The players from one country divide into two groups, one of which guards the country and the other collects a finger full of paint in the paint reserve. They then try to get this color onto the paper of the opposing group.
  • To get to the color reserve, each player must pass through customs. He must hand in his passport at customs. He receives two rondos (= round wooden disks that serve as points), one black and one white. The customs officials write down the time at which he leaves customs.
  • Now the player goes to the reserve and looks for a finger paint can (= ladder). When he has found a can, he gives it the two rondos and the can then plays the "in-which-hand-is-which-rondo game" with the color hunter. If the player guesses correctly, he can use his right index finger to take paint from the can (only enough paint to score one point). If the player has not guessed correctly, they must look for another can.
  • When the player has the color on his finger, he goes back to customs. There he hands in the two rondos and takes his passport. The customs officials write down the time at which the player leaves the reserve. The time of entry and the time of exit can be used to calculate the time spent in the reserve. The times spent in both groups are added together at the end.
  • The player must now fight his way into the opposing country. If he succeeds, he can draw a point (only one) on the paper (with his colored finger). The whole thing is supervised by a player from the opposing group. He must then clean his colored finger on a rag (at customs). However, if he does not succeed in breaking through the opponent's defenses, he must return to the customs office, clean his finger and grab a new wool thread.
  • Fighting (ribbon fight) only takes place around the land. The area around the customs and the color reserve are non-combat zones.
  • Scoring: Each colored point on the paper counts as one point of the opponent (e.g. a colored point on the paper of the whites counts as one point of the blacks). The totaled time spent counts as the opponent's game points. The scale for the points/time must be adjusted (e.g. 5 minutes = 1 point).

Posts/ladder (see sketch)

No. 1,2,3,4:

Four leaders with finger paint who move around the color reserve and always have a can of finger paint with them. They do the "in-which-hand-is-which-Rondo game" with each player who comes to them.


Three leaders who check the passes, hand out rondos and write down the time. The players also get new woolen wristbands at customs.


Land of Schwarzenburg with color dot paper (circle marked with marking tape, black paper in the middle)


Land of the Weissensteiner with color dot paper (circle marked with marking tape, white paper in the middle)

Passport :

Each player has a passport with his nationality (Schwarzenburger or Weissensteiner)

Wool ribbon:

Each player has a thread of wool around his left arm. The woolen thread counts as one life.

Combat zone:

Ribbon plucking is only allowed around the two countries. So not in Schwarzenburg or in Weissenstein itself, and also not at the customs or color reserve


  • Marking tape
  • Cardboard/paper (black, white)
  • Rondos (black, white)
  • Finger paints (at least 4 cans)
  • Rags
  • Wool thread
  • Passports
  • Writing utensils
  • Pocket calculator

Proof of source

Cover picture: Courtesy of - Spielideen für die Jungschar!

Game idea: With the kind permission of - Spielideen für die Jungschar!

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