Families in the Bible

Submitted by Irmgard on


Background information, suggestions for program design, food for thought for Jungscharn afternoons

Family problems today - in the past

Families in the Bible - at first glance perhaps an unusual topic.

But when we took a closer look and examined the Bible for family stories, we were amazed at how many of today's family problems were familiar even back then. It is also topical because every Junschärler lives in a more or less intact family. If we want to help our children to develop into responsible Christians and members of society, we will not be able to get around the family themes and problems.

Source reference:

Content and images: from Theme Series for Jungscharn Afternoons, Booklet 1,

copyright: BESJ htpp://www.besj.ch

Authors: Helene Bachmann, Ursi Benz, Daniela Roth-Nater, Olaf Wolter

Title image: Susanne Malessa

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