Game maze + paths

Submitted by Hrisko on

Game maze


  • 7 to 14
  • between 10-15 participants
  • In a park or forest
  • 5-6 leaders
  • About 25-30 minutes


  • Ropes
  • Blindfolds

Game trails


  • 7 to 14
  • 10-15 participants
  • In a park or forest
  • 5-6 leaders
  • About 25-30 minutes


  • empty boxes
  • Grains (beans, lentils, corn, etc.)
  • Tin cans

Game maze

You prepare the field for the game by making a maze, for example in the forest, using the ropes and trees in the forest. The children divide into pairs using the game described here One of the children is blindfolded and the other child is guided using only their voice. The object of the game is for the blindfolded child to get me out of the labyrinth.

Game trails

You put the grains in the non-sighted boxes and place them where there is a fork in the park or woods where you have chosen the game to be held. for example picked up with coloured yarn on a stick. You also give each participant a box marked with which svuk means left and which svuk means right. The aim of the game is for the children to get from point 'A' to point 'B' using the sounds on the boxes. If the sound of the box at the fork is the same as the box in them labeled left, means to turn left and continue on that path. must leave the boxes at the fork for the other teams. Multiple teams can leave at the same time but from different locations. After a time, the designated trails join up and eventually reach the same destination.

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