Two teams sit in rows (each in one row) facing each other, catching each other's hands behind their backs, so that the people on the opposite team cannot see their hands.
On one side of such an arrangement between the teams sits a person with a coin. Only the players sitting on the edge of the bench on his side can look at this person.
The rest of the team looks at the coin
The rest look to the opposite side. It is determined heads heads, or tails to which side of the coin the impulse is given.
The coin is then given to the other side
Under the other side, opposite the person with the coin sits another person, on will settle which team came first.
Run of the game
The person with the coin tosses it, if the established side falls out the extreme people are to pass the signal to the next players as soon as possible.
If the pulse is sent in error, it cannot be stopped by any noises or shouts.
The team that first passes the pulse to the end and pats the person on the other side moves.
If the impulse was sent correctly the person in front, that is the one who sent the impulse first goes to the end.
On the other hand, if it was sent incorrectly then the person at the end goes to the beginning.
The goal of the game
The goal of the game is for the team to make a full circle, that is, for the person at the front to return to his initial place after winning passes.
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