
Submitted by eeo_03 on

The youth group version of the game Werewolves of Bleak Forest (static) and Among us / Mafia (mobile).

Mobile game variant (Body Body / Among us / Mafia):

Aim of the game:

Young leaders (Minis) are known for their megalomania and want to hill everyone. (Sign = The mini stretches out the flat hand (palm down) towards its target and hits the outstretched hand with the second hand) Their goal is for everyone else to be henpecked.

The remaining characters aim to find out who the mini leaders are in order to prevent them from being beaten.

The ants also want to find out who the minis are. However, it is even more important to them that they are not henpecked until the end.

Game preparation:

The character cards are dealt out and a meeting place is determined.

When everyone has seen their card, everyone stands in a circle with their eyes closed. Everyone counts out loud to 20. On the count of 3, only the minis open their eyes to identify each other

to identify each other. At 10, they close their eyes again. At 13, the ants open their eyes and at 19 they close their eyes again. At 20, everyone opens their eyes again.

Start the game:

Everyone moves freely around the rooms and feels out their character tasks. You are not allowed to hide (unless you have this function). You must walk around alone and you are not allowed to speak.

The round continues until someone is found who has been hunted. Anyone who has been hunted remains in place (may vary depending on the character) until they are found.

Whoever finds a hilled person shouts "Hill, hill, hill". If you only hear the call yourself, you should repeat it and go to the meeting place.

Now the trial starts and you can make accusations and defend yourself.

The hanged are not allowed to comment on the events. However, they reveal their character.

When all the arguments have been presented, the main leader (HL) calls a vote and it is decided who will be henpecked by the entire youth group. This person reveals their character and is eliminated from the game. The game continues as usual.

End of the game:

The game ends when all the Minis have been found or only the Minis are still unhunted. If the Grizzly function has been activated, Grizzly must also be found.

At the end of the game, either the Minis, Grizzly or the remaining Jungschich characters are left.

Static game variant (Werwölfle):

You sit as a group in a circle with enough distance between the other players so that no one notices when someone wakes up. The character card is placed face down behind the player so that the main leader can see it but nobody else can. The HL constantly walks around the circle of players.

At the beginning, everyone is asleep. The main leader continuously tells who is awakening and what needs to be done.

(Example: "Everyone is asleep and the minis wake up. They decide on a goal to be hunted. The decision is made and they go back to sleep.")

Once all the necessary characters in a round have woken up, completed their tasks and gone back to sleep, the whole group wakes up and the facilitator explains what has happened.

(Example: "Everyone wakes up. Except XY. XY has been hanged and feels too flat to take part in the meeting. He just says what kind of character he was.")

Now the trial starts and you can make accusations and defend yourself.

Those who have been hanged may not comment on the events.

When all the arguments have been made, the GM calls a vote and it is decided who will be henpecked by the entire youth group. This person reveals their character and is eliminated from the game. The game continues as usual.

The aim and the end of the game are the same as for the mobile version.

Buildings with rooms that can be entered through different doors are suitable for the mobile version. (As few dead ends as possible) The game can also be played outside. However, the location should be unclear so that you cannot see the entire playing field. E.g. dense forest or house with garden.


The role cards are available for download.

Main leader

Mobile game variant:

Is chosen at the beginning. He leads the negotiations and makes the judgments. In the event of his resignation, a new leader is elected. Veto vote in the event of a tie. No separate character, only additional function.

Static game variant:

Leads the game. Narrates what happens continuously. No active player. As a mini-leader, you are challenged to hill everyone once.

Mini leader / Minis

Mobile: A maximum of 1 person per round and mini may be henpecked.
Sign = The mini stretches out the flat hand (palm down) towards its target and hits the outstretched hand with the second hand.

Static: Wake up in each round.
The minis decide together who they want to hit. Non-verbal communication with HL.


The "normal population" of every youth group.
Has no special skills. Can give testimony at the end of each round of the trial (with Mobil) and/or vote.


Mobile: If a mini tries to hill the grizzly, the tables are turned and the mini becomes a henchman. This ability only works once per game. From now on, Grizzly is a lone fighter and tries to hill everyone else.

Static: Awakens every round.
Decides whether he wants to help the henchman (the henchman is not henched) or whether he wants to hench someone himself. Non-verbal communication with HL. (each ability only 1 time)

2 Ants

If one ant is being ironed, the other is demotivated and stops participating. Mobile and static the same.


Mobile: If a Mini tries to hit Smiley, nothing happens. Smiley convinces the mini to hit someone else with a smile (name the target)
This ability only works once per game.
Smiley may not directly identify himself and the Mini during the negotiation or inform them of their meeting.

Static: If Smiley has been named as the target, Smiley is awakened by tapping the HL on the back and can transfer the hit to another person. Non-verbal communication with HL.
This ability only works once per game.


Mobile: When a Mini Gigli humps, Gigli starts to yelp. This tells the Mini that it has to giggle itself and can no longer giggle. It lies down next to Gigli and is also eliminated from the game.
This ability only works once per game.

Static: If Gigli is chosen as the target, the HL wakes Gigli.
Gigli can then decide which of the Minis should be eliminated. HL points to Minis. Non-verbal communication with HL.


Mobile: Brain may look at the character cards of 1-2 other players during an ongoing round. This is done inconspicuously during the game.

Static: Wakes up in every round. Brain may look at another player's character card 1-2 times per game.

(2 cards from 11 players)


Mobile: Kick isthe only one allowed to hide. Kick can lurk somewhere and catch the Minis in the act.

Static: Kick may blink briefly (1s) and inconspicuously at night while the Minis are up to mischief.


Image: Canva.com

Game: Ideas Market BESJ Team Weekend

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