Meeting minutes

Submitted by JSZM-Xero on

If you are a large team in which it often happens that individuals are absent from meetings, it is practical if a protocol is written for the meeting. In it all important information of the meeting are summarized. The protocol is sent after the meeting by mail to the entire team, or uploaded to a common platform such as Dropbox or Google Drive

Das Protokoll wird nach der Sitzung per Mail an das gesammte Team verschickt, oder auf eine gemeinsame Plattform wie Dropbox oder Google Drive geladen


A set of minutes should include the following:

  • date of meeting
  • Attendance list
  • Next dates
  • Agenda with responsible persons
  • Planning the next afternoon
  • Timetable
  • Distribution of tasks
  • Materials list

In the sample files, such a protocol is filled out. Enclosed is another blank form that can be filled in for each session. This results in a fixed structure in the protocol and you do not forget anything to discuss or plan.

It is best to print it out and take it with you as a reference point for the afternoon.

Picture credits

Title photo: Jungschar Zündhölzli Maur,


  • Protokoll-2013-11-13.doc: Jungschar Zündhölzli Maur,
  • Protocol-xxxx-xx-xx.doc: for free reuse by Jungschar Zündhölzli Maur,

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