Personality test

Submitted by kurtmühlematter on

Useful tips and links about personality tests

Tests at a glance

Here is a small collection of links around the topic of personality tests. Personality tests always represent only certain areas of the personality. In general, the field of psychometrics, or the statistical assessment of groups, is also increasingly interesting for experiential education, or the training field.

Here's the classic Wikipedia link:

A basic psychological model is the so-called five-factor model, also called the Big Five:

Quite well explained also by the University of Zürich:

and here's a link to a 20 min free online test on the Big Five called the NEO FFI test:

There are a lot of online tests, but it is always important to know on which basis it is based, i.e. which psychological personality model it is based on and how valid, or reliable and meaningful it is.

Here is the final link tip: Werner Stangl has collected a good collection of different tests and background information on his site:

And for the friends of printed paper here is a book tip: published by Walter Simon at Gabal-Verlag and available for 79,00 &euro: "Persönlichkeitsmodelle und Persönlichkeitstests: 15 Persönlichkeitsmodelle für Personalauswahl, Persönlichkeitsentwicklung, Training und Coaching"

And for the financial realists also by Walter Simon published by Gabal-Verlag: "GABALs gro&szlig Methodenkoffer. Personality development"



Sven Schuh,

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