Playing with trade

Submitted by Hrisko on
  • Age group 7 to 14 years
  • In a park
  • Up to 5 leaders
  • Up to 1 hour


  • Two types of grains (e.g. beans and chickpeas)
  • Buttons
  • Plastic boxes for each child one
  • Bands to seprate the teams
  • 2 signal vests for chasers
  • 2 balls
  • barrier tape
  • New Testaments (printed on paper)



Split the kids into two teams using the bands. You give clear boundaries of the field in which the game will be played. The children have to trade with the opposite team. Each child starts the game with one grain and one button in their box. The children go to the opposing team's base and there, in exchange for their grain, receive one button and one grain from the opposing team. They have to return to the base to leave the grain and button of the opposing team and get one grain and one button from their team again. Using the buttons, the children can buy New Testaments (you can determine what the price of the New Testament should be). The aim is for the children to collect as many grains and buttons as possible. All the time the children must avoid the chasers who are aiming at them with the balls. When a child is hit by the ball the chaser takes his grain, buttons and New Testament, if he has it.


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