Post run - Exodus from Egypt

Submitted by Force_91 on

The basic aim of this post run is to tell the story in a way that is as accessible as possible to the children. Because this story (Exodus 12:34 to Exodus 14:4) is about the people of Israel being on the move, the group is also on the move during the program.


  • 1 bag per group
  • 1 piece of firewood per group (can also be collected on the way)
  • 1 blindfold per 2 children


  • Mark out the posts
  • Mark the paths with arrows (2 additional false paths at the start)
  • Lay out the material


At the start, the children are taken back to the story that was told last afternoon. It was about Moses and the 10 plagues. Today the time has come for the people to leave Egypt. So we are leaving too! We make groups of 3 to 5 children who set off a few minutes apart. Depending on the age of the children, a leader goes with the group. From the second post onwards, they follow the chalk arrows on the ground.


Post: Packing

Together with the group leader, you should pack these things that you will need on the way: 1 bag, 1 cloth per 2 children, one piece of firewood per child. Once you have everything you need, your next meeting point with the group is, for example, in front of the church upstairs.

Post: Where does it go through?

To find the right way, you have to answer the question and follow the arrows with the right color.

What is the name of the land that God promised the Israelites?

  • Blue: Greece
  • Red: Canaan
  • Green: Egypt

If you know the answer, follow the arrows in that color to the next post.

Post: Food for the animals

The Israelites also took their animals with them: sheep, goats and cattle. Of course, they also need something to eat.

In the forest next door, find three different leaves or nuts that the animals could eat. Give them to the leader to put in the bag you have brought with you.

Post: God leads

The Israelites were led by God on their journey. You should now let yourselves be led too.

One child at a time is blindfolded and another child leads the blind child along the arrows. The leader will tell you when you can change.

Post: How much further?

The Israelites didn't know exactly how far they had to walk. We want to measure part of the way more precisely.

For example, count the steps together from here to the second pedestrian crossing. Remember the number until the very end.

Post: To the water

The Israelites were instructed by God to set up camp very close to the water. They were to rest right next to the Red Sea.

We will do the same now. Go down to the gravel bank together and try to make a fire. If the fire is already burning, you can simply add your piece of wood.


Items 5 and 6 in particular still need to be adapted to the situation on site. The distances can be determined according to the age of the participants. At the meeting point after the last post, there is then time for the devotion, in which you either have the Exodus as the theme again or continue the story straight away to the crossing of the sea.

Proof of source

  • Cover picture: Photo provided by Dominik Niedermann

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