Games and sports

A spiritual concept that is suitable for 9 afternoons. It combines a various comic character with different biblical stories, with different program ideas. Suitable for children from the 3rd grade (youth group age).

Here you can find an overview of over 850 boys' choir names, collected at the BESJ Team Weekend Ideas Market with over 1000 boys' choir leaders from Switzerland.

Disguises are the easiest way to immerse yourself in another world for a while in your imagination. And with very little effort!

Together with the Teamweekend participants, we collect ideas for the realization of the starlizacks. The aim is to create material that can then be placed on the YoungstarsWiki.

Eating cheese slices can function as a kind of team building activity. We eat cheese slices after the Jungschi afternoon, for example. On the one hand, we use this as a source of nourishment, but also to strengthen the leadership team.

Here you can find an overview of all the ideas that were presented at the BESJ Team Weekend Ideas Market.

This year we made a camp where an artifact has to be found. This was with us the golden Hörnli.
The camp is thematically based on Uncharted/Indiana Jones/Tomb Raider and thus had counterparts who were dressed in a mercenary outfit.

A devotional concept for a semester with 9 afternoons.
It deals with 9 important stations / miracles / experiences from the life of Jesus.

Unknown Prophets of the Bible - What a challenge! How cool if the young people know Amos, Nahum, Micah, Habakkuk or an incident about them. With this motivation, we set out to learn about the unknown person
A book summary of the book "The Smuggler of God" by Brother Andrew.
The whole text has been summarized and individual sections that are particularly important have been highlighted.
Semester program on the story of Brother Andrew / the history of Open Doors and an insight into Christian persecution/Bible smuggling in the former Eastern Bloc. Based on the book "Smugglers of God." Devotional concepts included.

We have conducted a pirate camp in the Cevi in 2022. Led by the pirate legend Anne Bonny, who with us restored a ship and then went on a treasure hunt.

We held a Viking camp in 2020, where the children were divided into 4 groups and did something different every day

Wax seals add a beautiful detail to boys' baptismal certificates, letters and scrolls that is sure to impress. The engraving can be related to the camp, semester or afternoon theme or can generally fit in with the Jungschar.

The materials are intended for a leisure time or camp of six to eight days. As a framework story, the children accompany Asterix and Obelix in their challenge to repair Majestix's trophy. Seven stories from the life of Paul were chosen to match the travel adventure of Asterix and Obelix.

After experiencing a cool Sola with Asterix & Obelix, we don't want to withhold our planning documents from you and hope to be able to provide you with tools and ideas for an exciting Sola.
If you have any questions or uncertainties, we at Jungschar Uzwil will be happy to help.

This is a sample invitation that you can modify and use for your own EPA afternoon of detective-related experiences.
A book summary of the book "Robin Hood" by Howard Pyle.
Each of the 15 chapters is briefly summarized in key words.
The summary can be a help e.g. to develop the storyline for a Robin Hood SoLa.

Fancy a weekly game among the kids at camp?
Why is there suddenly a chair wrapped in toilet paper in the dining hall? Zorro and his sidekick have been up to their shenanigans all week without getting caught. Who saw him? Is there any suspicion?
The Zorro week game has already proven itself many times in our Jungschi and the kids are always very happy to participate. At the beginning of the camp, each child receives a lottery ticket. Among many citizens there is also a Zorro (in large groups possibly two Zorros). This one gets various tasks, which he has to do unnoticed with the help of his helper sometime during this camp week.
Citizens are naturally vigilant and can report their suspicions to the game master or to the suspicion list. However, to avoid simply guessing, the suspicion must be substantiated and a false suspicion may result in a small penalty.
Do the citizens manage to blow the whistle on Zorro and/or his sidekick, or does Zorro manage to perform all his duties unnoticed?

Currents and influences on today's teenagers
... and how do we counter these currents and influences?

Quarterly program for Ameisli with:
Cooking, devotions, handicrafts and games
and ... Surprise parents and siblings!

Why is there a need for something as old-fashioned and traditional as a uniform in the Jungschar?
This is a fair question. If you look into the question a bit, you will find many reasons to have a uniform in a Jungschar group. This article shows how a Jungschar uniform can become a can't-miss element in Jungschar.

It is said to happen to the ablest of tea-circle workers that they occasionally struggle to put together a game night or use games well-placed.
Here shall Abhillfe come!

Scrabble is a well-known parlour game that can also be expanded with several variants, give it a try!

Something completely different is an Olympiad that takes place blindfolded - a totally new experience!