Games and sports
This game is suitable for teaching young children how to use and find their way around the Bible in a playful way.
Cross golf takes golfers away from the perfectly manicured lawn and into the heart of nature!
This concept was implemented as part of the Besj League Zone Zurich. It is suitable for children and young people aged 9-16. It is intended to serve as a support for devotional preparation.
This concept was implemented as part of the Besj League Zone Zurich. It is suitable for children and young people aged 9-16. It is intended to serve as a support for devotional preparation.
The basic idea for the concept was based on this article. Many thanks for this:…
This concept was implemented as part of the Besj League Zone Zurich. It is suitable for children and young people aged 9-16. It is intended to serve as a support for devotional preparation.
A fun trouser bag game for in between
Circle game with physical action.
A circle game in which blindfolded players have to recognize someone.
A circle game in which one participant has to find the conductor.
This is a fun catching game.
A minimum of 15 people are needed.
A game in which a high level of responsiveness is required.
Game in which teamwork/cooperation is necessary.
Funny game of tag, blindfolded.
Pass it around the circle with yes and no.
Game as a time killer on the go.
A circle game and word search game.
Funny pants bag game without material.
A slightly different game of hide and seek.
A quick game to get to know each other.
- The maze is a toy to fill dead time
- or for a group competition
- and a useful craft
... is fun to make
and fun to play with
An outdoor game for 20 - 500 people, takes about 2-5 hours
Velotours in groups are very eventful, but sometimes also dangerous.
Therefore we want to act especially responsibly.
A game for Ameisli
The game is a variation of Monopoly
This Bible quiz is very popular among teenagers. In a playful way they look for Bible passages and learn the Bible once in a special way.
The game is similar to "Pelote Basque", but yet not - be surprised!
- Game - Trust
- Devotion - "Happiness of life" (fulfilled life)
The Nervous Journey is a joyful game to test our nervous strain in a humorous way.
An eventful bike ride to emulate!
A game with 5 dice
Mikado game with "big" sticks
The idea comes from the game "Catch the Hat", is a special terrain game.
The "Great Cow Trade" needs longer preparation as a terrain game, but is really original as a game idea!
... or Schusser, Clicker etc. There are over 100 names for this game in the German-speaking world alone and at least as many games.
The participants are driven by car to a place where they do not know so well. From this place the participants have to find their way back to the starting point
A giant marble run is an afternoon activity that encourages creativity and collaboration.
Adventure rooms can now be found in every major city. You are locked in a room and have to free yourself from it within a certain time. Simple adventure rooms can also be set up yourself and completed with children in a youth group afternoon
A short game in which you will definitely get colored.
Play fitness training - group competition with self-invented fitness exercises
Why not play with unfamiliar play equipment for once?
If it should rain cats and dogs at summer camp ...
"Detective run in the house"!!
Scrabble is a well-known parlour game that can also be expanded with several variants, give it a try!
Always think of bad weather when making camp preparations!
- An afternoon for all Jungschar ages
- 12 posts to set records and prove courage
Sponsor competitions can be organized for anniversary and inauguration celebrations.
Something completely different is an Olympiad that takes place blindfolded - a totally new experience!