Games and sports
Make miniature match-powered rockets with just a few household items!
Outdoor game shortly before Christmas
Result: Creativity while designing an Advent wreath
Money is often limited in the Jungschar. However, this should not stand in the way of a cool program. Here are a few stores where you can get the respective material at the best price.
Since I needed a stamp with the words "amen" quickly, I decided to make one myself. I may not be an expert in gouging and stamp making, but since I needed one quickly, I decided to give it a try.
Making your own stamp is easy, fun and the result is unique. Sometimes you get surprised when stamping because you might have envisioned a different result. But that also makes it adventurous. What part do you cut away? What part don't you...?
How do you print a T-shirt with teenagers?
Here are the instructions: made easy!
The teenagers create their own newspaper. The newspaper should be their mouthpiece, which is published (as uncensored as possible).
Teenagers can work in an interest group of their choice for a certain period of time. They actively participate and suggest project topics themselves, e.g. foreign cooking
Discover God's plan!
Get to know the course of the Bible from Creation to Revelation and create your own Bible panorama. Look at striking points in history and use a particularly important point for devotion.
The text from Luke 19, 11-26 (the entrusted pounds) is to be thought through and experienced in practice. During the specified time, a certain amount is to be multiplied in a creative way. The money collected should benefit a social or missionary cause.
Organize local, regional or national appearances of the teen group in church, at evangelism, graduation party
Encourage the teens' existing creativity and let it come to the fore by planning, designing and realizing a joint project. It is possible and sensible to let the teens themselves work out the type and execution of a project in the competition. The joint realization of the project should lead to a sense of achievement, which encourages more creative activities (project can be combined with public relations work!)
Plaster masks can be used for a theater or as decoration. Find out how to make them here.
Suggestions for group games for the ELK Bauma teen club
Running with these füssen is not as easy as it looks at first glance. The Füsse are strapped into two leather loops and then a certain distance either against each other or in a certain time must be run.
Juggling with drainage, is a totally simple game with an insane fun factor. By moving back and forth, a tennis ball can be thrown into the air and then caught again with the other side.
Max the gymnast moves while turning the crank and performs his little tricks. It does not matter to Max whether he moves forward or backward, fast or slow.
Have you ever tried making plaster masks? Haven't you? It's a great craft, but needs some instruction.
A wind direction sensor, called a wind vane or weather vane, is an indicating instrument for determining the wind direction. A movable measuring element aligns itself with the dynamic pressure of the wind.
A scroll, was used before there were books, newspapers or a PC. Many children do not know what a scroll looked like or how it was used. During the devotion this scroll can be unrolled and read out. Afterwards, each child can make such a scroll and for each new story there is a new picture in each hour, until the story, for example, of Joseph is finished.
Steve the parrot is happy with every turn more, but before Steve can fly off he must be wound up once released he works like a big flywheel. Depending on the length of the thread and the thickness of the paper, it can even fly for quite a while
Two players face each other and play the ball to each other. The ball must be hit about in the middle of the fabric, when the ball comes the two timbers are pulled apart and the ball flies back.
This game is played with flower sprayers or water atomizers. The goal is to get the ping pong ball into the goal of the opponent with the water pressure from the bottle.
This poinsettia is bast from tree branches. He is easy to build and looks besondern as a star to Christmas lights decoration great. If this star is tinkered with small children should be especially careful when cutting the branches and when gluing with the hot glue gun so that the children do not hurt themselves.
Build a small, simple, inexpensive boat with kids that actually floats? No problem, with this pet bottle boat.
With the compressed air in the balloon, these boats swim fast and quite a long distance. Try different hoses, tubes, woods, balloons and tapers (narrowing at the air outlet) and see with which setting you get the farthest.
This book holder is guaranteed to catch the eye and is also very practical and inexpensive, because it prevents the books from falling over.
This boat moves forward in the water with the energy stored in the rubber by turning the paddle wheel backwards. It can be experimented with different amounts and thicknesses of rubber until the best result is achieved.
To knot the monkey fist (a ball) is not so difficult and does not take as much time as many think. The monkey fist is mainlyused as a decorative knot.
According to Wikipedia, the monkey fist is also called Schmeissknoten, Kindskopf or Monkeyhead.
With our little gift ideas, we would like to motivate you to make useful souvenirs with your children and thus bring joy to other people.
The splash of color on the kitchen table!
Who doesn't like to smell fresh? Here are some easy ways to make perfume, soap, or bath salts.
Crafting a hot air balloon is not difficult
Here's the more challenging version to try
This article is a Forum booklet article.
Tinkering with quarterly programs
Balloon figures inspire children!
Here are the instructions for a swan.
In this article, you'll find some tips to make sure shopping for craft supplies doesn't break your budget
A simple little craft. A bookmark is melted together from 5 drinking straws.
With the help of craft sheets can create beautiful works of art. The templates can be downloaded as a PDF and printed. Since the templates were created by professionals, you can assume a high quality.
It might be just the thing for crafting activities in winter!