Youngstars and the church
Games and sports

more than a feeling
more than songs
more than many words
more than a tradition
more than a program

There are two main concerns of the Advisory Board:
- Composition of the Advisory Board
- Main tasks of the Advisory Board

The questions in this working paper are intended to provide food for thought and help in discussions between church leadership and youth leaders in order to eliminate possible weak points in the relationship between the church and the youth group

The aim of the BESJ services is to win young people for Jesus and the church and to consciously encourage them.

You youth leaders do an outstanding job! I think it's great to see the passion and commitment with which you often fight Saturday after Saturday for children and teenagers in your age groups!

Nobody will deny that Ameisli, youth group and teen work costs something. But who should pay for it? The youth leaders? The church? Sponsors? Or simply donors?

As "construction workers", youth leaders contribute a lot to the building of the "church".
Where and how do they help?

As obvious as this statement seems, it is often disregarded in practice. The expectations of the church, the youth club and its leaders are often very high (something similar can also be said of the other branches of children's and youth work).

- Effects of coordination and communication internally and externally
- Methods for improving coordination and communication in the municipality

Young people's groups that work together with the regional church should definitely bear some special features in mind

"You shall be holy, for I, the LORD your God, am holy." (Exodus 19:2)
"The hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshippers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father also seeks such as these to be his worshippers." (John 4:23)

Our youth group is well integrated into the community and our work is appreciated. We are happy in the community!
Megaton is about making a film with the simplest possible means and within a "normal" program. Can be shown at a parents' or information evening. All teenagers should be involved.
For a long time, the church of F. has regularly held interesting meetings for the family members of the youth and teenagers. Everyone is invited - "family" is not seen so much genetically as "spiritually". Everyone is invited to be part of the "family of God". Here even singles, grandmas, neighbor kids, single mothers .... feel comfortable. The meetings are organized by families or small teams from the community. The focus is not on perfect organisation, not on a stylish programme, but on fellowship, games, fun, conversations, spontaneity, mutual service, encouragement and sharing.
New, Effective Ways in Community Building
1. Family as part of the creation order
2. Happy families form the best foundation of any social order
3. Families - Temples of God
4. Family as a shelter against the destructive, anti-human decay
5. Families helping families - social networks
6. Winning whole families for the kingdom of God
7. Families experience joy(s) - imagination - peace
8. ... before it's too late

In many churches and congregations, children have to move to other age groups. It can happen that this becomes a problem. Why this is so and what can be done about it, this article wants to give information about.

If you are a large team in which it often happens that individuals are absent from meetings, it is practical if a protocol is written for the meeting. In it all important information of the meeting are summarized. The protocol is sent after the meeting by mail to the entire team, or uploaded to a common platform such as Dropbox or Google Drive