Water activities
Games and sports

How do I build a raft for water activities with my children/teens? Find instructions with all the information you need here!
See also: https://www.youngstarswiki.org/de/wiki/art/flossbau

We are building a hot tub with a circulating pump and wood fire, we want to show how you can build something cool with simple means and enjoy a relaxing evening in the pool far away from civilization. There is also a cozy corner with sofas, a fireplace and a barbecue.
This article describes the construction of a launch pad for the water rocket, for which you can also find the building instructions here on Youngstarswiki.

Viking Olympics
In the document below you will find a fun and entertaining sports block - a genuine Viking Olympics.
Have fun trying it out and customizing it :)

Building rafts and navigating rivers and lakes is considered by many to be a dream outdoor experience and is associated with exciting stories such as Tom Sawyer. This article looks at different types of raft building and how they can be used in youth work.