
Age group - 7-12 years.
Handlers - 1-2
Suitable terrain - level ground. Can be on grass, but there should be no dew.
For this purpose, everyone stands in a circle and one person (the goose) stands outside the circle. He walks in a circle around the people and when he touches someone, the person touched has to make a circle around the circle, racing the goose, and return to his place. However, if the goose gets there first, it stays put and the other person becomes the new goose.
It is important to remember that when the goose touches someone, it runs in the direction it is walking, and the person touched, in the opposite direction.
A game of tag that was developed in a BESJ leadership course. Fits thematically with biblical stories where people are in prison (e.g. Peter, Paul).

The aim of the Technik-Sternli is to teach children age-appropriate Jungschart techniques. Relays are ideal for regularly refreshing all technical areas.

On a sheet of paper (or similar) two players have to move as fast as possible without touching the ground.

A guessing game in which participants must use specific yes-no questions to figure out their assigned animal.