Biblical basics
Games and sports

Who is who? What happened where? Who said what? Test your Bible knowledge and find out what you already know and where you still have gaps. How can you incorporate Bible knowledge into your program? What about participants who don't know anything?

In a PowerPoint presentation, the wonderful story of God's love through His Son Jesus Christ, can be followed.

A devotional concept for a semester of 8 devotions.
It deals with various parables from the Bible, which are perhaps not yet familiar to all children.

As we are planning a trip to the local fire department with the Jungschar, I wanted to hold a devotion in the spirit of the unit program. But since I didn't find very much material for this, I worked something out myself. The goal was to form a tangible parallel between the world of experience of the fire department and the Gospel, but at the same time to be able to pass on a practical application for everyday life especially also for the many church children in our Jungschar.

This game is suitable for teaching young children how to use and find their way around the Bible in a playful way.

Basic Course 1 - 4 by Peter Blaser, instructions for 8 days of quiet time with texts from the Epistle of Peter

I wanted to tackle the meaning of the cross with our church youth group, aged 12+, who are predominently not church-going children.
Below is an outline for a talk which worked really well for us as the framework for an evening around a campfire - taking the group through from an easy introduction to symbols and logos through to a biblical presentation of the meaning of the cross.
We finished the evening with a challenge to the children; to make them think more carefully about the cross and what it means to them. You may want to change this to better suit the type of group you have, and where they are on their spiritual journeys.

Discover God's plan!
Get to know the course of the Bible from Creation to Revelation and create your own Bible panorama. Look at striking points in history and use a particularly important point for devotion.

Critical questions and statements
On the Bible text: Genesis 1:1-31
All chapters in detail, see PDF file (24 pages)

And God said, "Let there be space between the waters to separate the waters." And so it happened, God created that space to separate the waters above and below it. And God called the space "heaven." It became evening and morning: the second day. (Genesis 1:6-8)
I have the devotion on the second day to the "dividing of the waters." We now disagree on what the water looked like in the sky. I imagine clouds. As we know them now. But my brother thinks there were no clouds before the Flood and it was a layer of water in the sky. Can you help us there? What did the water in the sky look like?

Bible text: Judges 6, 1-24
The book of Judges describes a recurring cycle (the people turn away from God, are punished by God, at the low point they call out to God again, God appoints a judge and delivers the people from the hands of their enemies, but then they turn away from God again). This cycle is part of this devotion, but the prehistory is also briefly considered in a theater. We are ultimately concerned with why God repeatedly delivers them from the hand of their enemies.