
Violence against children - a taboo subject

Children want to have an answer to their questions. Therefore, we adults ourselves must first become clear about what death and eternity mean. 

As far as death and dying are concerned, one can observe two contrasting developments in our time and society: On the one hand, we are constantly confronted with death, often in great detail. On the other hand, talking about death and dying seems to be taboo. 



Children do not only develop outwardly, their faith also changes with age. Youth leaders need to be aware of this and shape their messages accordingly

Mentoring in its original form, as practiced by the Greeks, has nothing to do with the Christian faith. However, since the meaning of the word has changed (discipleship would be more appropriate), the word is used in its new sense (extended coaching) in this article.

The principle of mentoring is the principle of multiplication. Paul describes precisely this multiplication to his mentor Timothy and instructs him:

"Pass on the message you have heard from me, the truth of which has been confirmed to you by many witnesses, to trustworthy and reliable people who will also be able to teach others." (1 Tim. 2.4).