The inhabitants of Quatsch tried to sneak across the heavily guarded border and reclaim the money that had been stolen over the years from the bank in Quark. The inhabitants of Quark are trying to do the same with the bank in Quatsch.
The back story
Two different districts of FRii-TOWN, capital of the Republic of FRii-DOMM, had been fighting each other for years. The police therefore set up a border between the two districts of Quatsch and Quark. However, the battle between the two parties continued under difficult conditions. The inhabitants of Quatsch now tried to sneak across the heavily guarded border and reclaim the money that had been stolen from the bank in Quark over the years. The inhabitants of Quark are trying to do the same with the bank in Quatsch.
The course of the game
The inhabitants of one district (players) try to sneak across the border and break into the bank in the other district. They take the money they steal back to their bank. Important: they should not be seen by the guards when crossing the border, otherwise they will receive a penalty point for their quarter. There is a "ribbon fight" throughout the area, i.e. they have to try to tear each other's tails (made of newspaper and tucked into the back of their pants). After a fight, the winner can decide what should happen: Either he can put the loser in "prison" or he can go to "freedom" himself.
"Freedom" means: after presenting the newspaper tail that he has torn out of the other player, he can enter the bank unhindered with a flag from his opponent.
The game lasts until a bank is completely robbed (the captured money is placed in a special account that cannot be robbed again by the other group) or is stopped after a certain time. All coins that a quarter has captured are scored. The border crossings discovered by the guards are counted.
- Border: There are always three to four border guards (leaders) walking up and down the border (forest path). They always have a pencil and a piece of paper with them. When they see a player crossing the border, they note down a point next to the quarter to which this player belongs. Players who are near the border may not be counted, only those who are seen directly on the border. However, the border guards do not try to catch the players. They only look in one direction and cannot see a player who crosses the border behind them. The guards can identify the players by their colored headbands.
- Prison: Anyone who is sent to prison must wait there for five minutes. They must also hand in their loot from the bank, if available.
- Freedom: Anyone who reaches freedom can freely enter the opponent's quarters and the bank with the FRii-DOMM flag without being stopped by anyone. When going back, he must return the flag at the border.
- Bank Quark and Bank Quatsch: An area fenced in with marking tape that represents the bank. The bank is defended against intruders by the residents of the neighborhood. If an intruder can fight his way into the bank, he receives a coin.
- Leader: 1 prison, 1 liberty station, 3 border guard, 2 bank Quark/Quatsch
The material list
- Marking tape
- Clock (prison)
- Flag and flagpole
- Paper and pencil 3x
- Newspaper strips
- colored headbands (e.g. colored/dyed bandages)
- Coins, two different colors (e.g. wooden rondos)
Proof of source
Cover picture: Courtesy of - Spielideen für die Jungschar!
Game idea: With the kind permission of - Spielideen für die Jungschar!
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