Cast pewter

Submitted by eeo_03 on

Heat the tin over a camping stove until it becomes liquid. Then pour into the prepared mold. After cooling, sand the pewter figure with files until it fits.

First of all, you need a mold into which you can pour the tin. This must be two parts that fit together. There are molds made of metal, plastic or clay. The molds are cleaned with powder before casting.

The molds are then pressed together between two pieces of wood using a screw clamp. Meanwhile, the pewter is heated in a small pan on a camping stove until it melts. As soon as the mold and pewter are ready, the liquid pewter can be poured into the mold until the mold is full.

Allow the pewter to cool in the mold until it is cool at the pouring point. (feel with your finger) As soon as the pewter is cool, you can loosen the screw clamp, put the pieces of wood to one side and open the mold.

Then press the figure out of the mold and cut away the excess tin. The figure can still be finished with files and sandpaper.


  • Excess tin can be reused.
  • The first few figures often do not work. (mold must warm up)
  • It takes a lot of patience with many people or several stoves and pans.


  • Pewter
  • Pewter molds
  • Pieces of wood
  • Screw clamps
  • Baby powder
  • Small pan
  • Gas cooker
  • Gas cartridge
  • Files
  • Sandpaper
  • Cutting pliers
  • Lighter/lighter matches


Pictures and text: Buchs-Otelfingen youth group

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