Table of contents:
- Introduction to the 1993 annual focus
- Congregation without Jungschar?
- Me and the congregation
- Coordination and communication
- The congregation supports the Jungschar
- Jungschar contributes to the church
- Financing the Jungschar
- Jungschar and community youth work
- BESJ and congregations
- for youth groups in the regional church
- Worksheet for church leadership, youth group leadership
- Advisory group for parish youth work
- Specifications for main leaders
- Specifications for department heads
- Letter to congregation (see .docx file)
- Letter to main leader (see .docx file)
Brief introduction to the 1993 annual focus
"You shall be holy, for I, the LORD your God, am holy." (Exodus 19:2)
"The hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshippers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father also seeks such as these to be his worshippers." (John 4:23)
Worship has become increasingly important in our churches in recent years. At least as a buzzword, it is everywhere - there are "worship songs", "worship parts" in church services and "worship leaders". Nevertheless, ideas about worship vary widely. While some seek quiet worship, for others it means joyful celebration and movement! Although the word is on everyone's lips, there is still a need for clarification. The two keynote speeches at the beginning of this issue outline the concept of "worship" from a biblical, holistic perspective. They shed a slightly different light on it. Perhaps we too often confuse "praise" and "worship", as Arne Kopfermann repeatedly emphasizes. While praise is an outward form and expression of our worship, worship happens in depth, with the whole life. That is why we consciously speak of "worship as a lifestyle".
From this perspective, worship is largely uncharted territory in children's and youth work. Singing with children, the band in the teen worship service - both have long been compulsory. And everyone is emotionally involved. But what happens in the depths? Are we really leading our youth into the worship of the holy God? Perhaps we as leaders should lead the way on this path: Why not live worship as a team?
The practical applications are brief in the booklet. We believe that true worship has less to do with methods and forms than with personal devotion. Those who understand this will have no trouble developing their own ways from the ideas given.
Contents: Annual focus 1993 "Community", Peter Blaser, Siegfried Nüesch, Martin Bihr, Hansruedi Tanner, Ueli Obrist, Johannes Wallmeroth, Peter Schulthess
Drawings: Andreas Vetterli
Cover picture: Clipart courtesy of the publisher buch+musik ejw-service gmbh, Stuttgart -
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