game data
- Age: 6+
- Number: 6+
- Area: large room, possibly outside
- Lead: at least 5
- Duration: 60 minutes
- 50 A4 sheets (with numbers 1-50)
- Vouchers
- 50 questions (numbered, on different sheets or cut apart)
- 3 question-answer sheets
- 2 dice (preferably large foam dice)
- Procure materials
- Fix numbers 1-50 on the floor (with tape/hoarding).
- Make ladders in the form of tape arrows between the squares. (Make enough ladders leading back, then the game will last longer. Towards the end you can take them away or reverse them.)
- Distribute questions in the other rooms/in an area (if necessary secure against wind). These must be searched for later by the groups.
First, groups are made. Each group looks for a game piece, e.g. a hat, a pencil or something similar...
After that it can be started.
- Each group rolls the dice and rides the number they rolled.
- After that, look for the question with the number it landed on.
- This is then answered at one of two leaders. If the answer is correct, the group gets a bonus, if the group doesn't know the correct answer, they can go to another leader who will try to figure out the answer with the group. (Of course, this leader knows the answer, but should not just bluntly reveal it.)
- With the receipt, the dice can now be rolled again. Two leaders are also responsible for this. (By the Bon is ensured that the groups also answer the questions correctly.)
When a group gets to the start of a "ladder", they must answer the question from the ladder starts.
Make sure there are enough descending ladders, otherwise the groups will be too fast. When you want the game to end, just turn the ladders around. With this you can control the game duration quite well.
A suitable devotional topic would be, for example, that one also has relapses in life. Jesus also had so-called relapses: First he is received in Jerusalem like a king and later he is crucified like a felon.
Die Datei "Fragen.xlsx" ist eine Excel Datei mit Makros und muss vor dem Öffnen noch unbennant werden in "Fragen.xlsm", da die Datei ansonsten nicht geöffnet werden kann.
Image credits
- Title photo: provided by ML3000. (ml.3000 (at)
file reference
- Questions.xlsm: provided by Lukas Leuenberger / Jungschar Brunnen.
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