Gain Self-Knowledge Through the 10 Commandments
Texts on this in the Bible: Exodus 20:1-17; Deut. 5:6-18; Matt. 5:17-7:29; 22:34-40; Gal. 5:16-24
1st Commandment
"I am the Lord your God. You shall have no other gods besides me!"
- Am I at peace with God? Or is there something standing between him and me? If so, what?
- What am I relying on? On my gifts, my money, my relationships, my piety, my conversion, my baptism ...?
- Who does my heart belong to? God or a person, a passion, my work?
And if God takes it all away from me? To what am I still bound? - What can I not do without? Addictions? People? Ideas?
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2nd Commandment
"Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image; worship it not."
- Is my relationship with God dependent on anything that has become an idol?
A saint? A statue? An object? A fixed idea of what God must be like?
- Do I worship a person or something else in a wrong way?
- Do I know the Father in heaven through Jesus?
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3rd Commandment
"You shall not take the name of the Lord in vain!"
- What does the name of God mean to me? Do I use it thoughtlessly as a phrase?
- Am I afraid to confess God?
- Am I grateful to God for all He has given and is giving me?
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4th Commandment
"You shall keep holy the day of rest!"
- How do I arrange my day of rest, my leisure time?
- What is the importance of my work (voluntary/primary)?
- Do I find time for the pastoral care of my own soul? Can I listen to God in the silence?
- Do I take this silence for myself daily?
- How important are worship and church to me?
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5th Commandment
"You shall honor your father and mother"
- What are my parents worth to me? Do I care for them? Prayerfully? Materially, if need be? Do I have time for them?
- Do I have enough time for my own children? Do I set an example for them? How do I deal with my superiors?
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6th commandment
"Thou shalt not kill!"
- Am I having trouble with temper? Are there feelings of hatred and thoughts of revenge in me?
- Have I hurt others? Is there a person I can't stand? Who am I making life difficult for? Perhaps with my behavior? Who or what do I need to
- Criticize (negatively) in a decent way?
- Am I negligent or aggressive on the road?
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7th Commandment
"Thou shalt not commit adultery!"
- Can I wait for the person I want to be joined to in a marriage for a lifetime?
- What have I made of my marriage? Am I faithful in thought, word and deed? Am I demanding my "due" in my marriage, or am I investing myself giving?
- Am I engaging in pornography?
- Do I control my sexuality, or does it control me?
- Am I toying with thoughts of divorce? Do I allow the thought that my spouse is the wrong one?
- Am I coping with my singleness (wanted or unwanted)?
- How sacred am I to the marriages of others?
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8th Commandment
"Thou shalt not steal!"
- Do I rightfully own what I have? Do I respect other people's property?
- How honest am I to the state? How honest am I to my employer about my time and my work? Am I reliable?
- Am I stingy? Even towards God?
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9th Commandment
"You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor!"
- Do I like to gossip? How do I deal with the gossip of others?
- Do I have prejudices towards other people?
- Do I like to criticize? To whom would I have to apologize in this regard?
- How do I deal with "white lies"? Do I use them?
- Can I keep quiet?
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10th Commandment
"You shall not covet what belongs to your neighbor!"
- Am I envious of others? Am I comparing myself to others? Am I content with what I have (possessions, skills, tasks ...)?
- Do I accept myself as I am? Do I say yes to the way God is leading me?
- Do I doubt that God will provide me with what I need?
- Does the thought haunt me that I would be happier if I ... possess?
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Source credit
Title image: Clipart courtesy of Verlag buch+musik ejw-service gmbh, Stuttgart -
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