- Age group 7 to 14 years
- More than 8 participants
- Indoors in a hall or outdoors in the city
- At least 3 leaders
- Between an hour and an hour and a half
- 2 or 3 bags( depending on how many participants you will have) that you can lock with a padlock
- 9 padlocks with different locking (3 with a combination of 4 digits, 3 with a combination of 3 digits and 3 padlocks that unlock with a key)
- 3 maps cut into pieces ( for example of some park in the city where the game will be)
- Printed colored numbers to match the codes for the padlocks with a combination of 3 digits
- Task sheet
- Lemon juice
- Iron
- Template for the sign
The ultimate goal of the game is for the children to find the treasure.
- The children are given the first task sheet, on which they have to write in lemon juice what their next task will be or where they have to go to find the next task. With an iron, the children have to smooth the sheet and that is how the lemon juice will appear. !!!Important!! the next task should be related to something they have to count.
- Once they have figured out what their second task is and they go to the place where it is, they have to count things (for example some lamps, steps, trees or something else). You should arrange in advance for a person the children can ring who can direct them to the next task. The task should look like this: 0879694960 +_ _ = The aim is for the children, after counting, for example, the lamps or steps, to add up the number they have been given and get the number to ring. There should also be a keyword on the sheet that when the children say it, the person knows where to send them.
- Once they have spoken to the person and he has directed them to the next task, which is to find the key to the padlock in a certain place, they must go there and find the key.
- Once they have found the key they can unlock the padlock that is on the backpack that is unlocked with the key. There they must find an envelope with a map that is made like a puzzle. The map could be of a park. Beforehand, you have to put signs on the map that correspond to numbers that you have to write with chalk in the park. For example, A-9, B-2, C-1, D-5 - this way the children will know that this is the sequence of numbers. The numbers should match the code for the next padlock.
- Once the children have unlocked that padlock there too they will find a pattern with holes on it. Beforehand you need to find a sign or something similar to make the template for. With the letters from the plate you have to make a sentence in advance, which once they figure it out they have to go back to the treasure, which in our case was the place where we had gathered. The template has to be very accurately cut to work. You have to cut holes in the not places where the letters are that you used for the sentence. This way after the children put the template on the plate you should only be able to see the letters you used in the sentence through the holes. They may be scrambled, but they should be numbered.
- Once they have worked this out too the children should return to the treasure. In each pocket of the backpack or bag, you can leave one of the numbers you have printed that match the codes with the 3-digit combination padlocks. The children must finally unlock their group's padlock that is attached to the treasure. On this padlock, you should put a piece of paper tape and tick the numbers you have prepared in advance in sequence with the colours. For example, yellow-9, red-2, green-6 - this is how children will figure out the unlocking code.
- You can put the treat in the treasure or make up something related to the theme.
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