The Word of God as... (quarterly)

Submitted by Hrisko on

The prepared program is on the theme of God's Word as..., and at each of our 10 gatherings related to this theme we look at God's Word as a different thing. Our aim is to get the ladies to think about the fact that the Bible is not just a book.


  1. The Word of God as bread
  2. God's Word as fire
  3. God's Word as milk
  4. God's Word as honey
  5. God's Word as gold and silver
  6. The Word of God as seed
  7. God's Word as light
  8. God's Word as a mirror
  9. God's Word as a hammer
  10. God's Word as a sword

Spiritual concept:

  1. God's Word is the most useful food (John 6:50-51)
  2. Let God's Word burn in me like fire (Jeremiah 23:29 , Isaiah 64:2)
  3. God's Word helps us grow ( 1 Peter 2:2)
  4. Let God's Word burn in me like fire (Psalm 19:7-10)
  5. God's Word is more precious even than gold and silver ( Psalm 12:6)
  6. When my heart is open to God's Word, it will grow and bear fruit (1 Peter 1:22-23)
  7. The Bible has shown me what I am like. I want to be more like Christ! (Psalm 119:105)
  8. Through the Bible I see most clearly ( James 1:23-25, Hebrews 4:12-13)
  9. Jeremiah 23:29
  10. The Bible is the most powerful weapon (Hebrews 4:12, Ephesians 6:17)

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