
A devotional concept for a semester with 9 afternoons.

It deals with 9 important stations / miracles / experiences from the life of Jesus.

Unknown Prophets of the Bible - What a challenge! How cool if the young people know Amos, Nahum, Micah, Habakkuk or an incident about them. With this motivation, we set out to learn about the unknown person

A book summary of the book "The Smuggler of God" by Brother Andrew.

The whole text has been summarized and individual sections that are particularly important have been highlighted.

Semester program on the story of Brother Andrew / the history of Open Doors and an insight into Christian persecution/Bible smuggling in the former Eastern Bloc. Based on the book "Smugglers of God." Devotional concepts included.

This is a sample invitation that you can modify and use for your own EPA afternoon of detective-related experiences.

A book summary of the book "Robin Hood" by Howard Pyle.

Each of the 15 chapters is briefly summarized in key words.

The summary can be a help e.g. to develop the storyline for a Robin Hood SoLa.

Here you will find program and devotional ideas for 9 afternoons. From the coach to the finish, when we are on the road with Jesus as a team

Quarterly program for 9 boys' afternoons and 8 devotions

This is a semester program on "Walking with Jesus"

This is a semester program on the theme of Joseph

A Semester Program on Queen Esther

Here you can find our semester program, which we made for the CD Jetzt gits Ärger from ERF. 

Here you can find our semester program about the Swiss trip

Here you will find a semester program on the body

This is a semester program on traffic signs

Here you will find our semester program on the theme of different comic book characters.

Each afternoon we took a different comic book character through.

As decoration we always had a big picture of this comic character beamed on the wall at the entrance and showed a short film about the topic.

Here you will find a beastly semester program

This is a semester program on the World Cup soccer theme.

This is a semester program on the theme of Jonah.

This is a semester program on Native Americans.

Planning is a chore, especially for very creative people. But even that can be done graphically and thus creatively.

Brother Yun is a Chinese evangelist who has greatly influenced the house church movement in China over the past 4 decades. His hunger for a Bible after his conversion at 16, his vision to spread the gospel, and his perseverance in prayer are exemplary and well suited for a semester program for young people with 7-14 occasions. After years of living in prisons, Brother Yun now lives in Germany. His vivid stories have been written down in the book "Heavenly Man" 

Here you will find a spiritual concept, a semester program on "Ernst Tanner Helimission" and other interesting info (incl. videos).

Ernst Tanner is a Swiss missionary and helicopter pioneer who has had many exciting experiences with God, people and helicopters throughout his years. His vivid stories can be found in the books Death Shadows and More Than an Adventure (both on the Homepage of Helimission). There are also video excerpts for various stories to go with the afternoon theme.

The stories are perfect for a semester focused on young adult technology (See semester program)

Here you will find a semester program including a spiritual concept on the theme "In an inflatable boat on the ocean".

In the Rubber Dinghy on the Ocean is familiar to many as a childhood audio book. It is the story of a group of 8 US Army personnel who become lost in the Pacific Ocean due to a technical malfunction and are eventually forced to make an emergency ditching. With the ditching begins the exciting fight for survival where it can go around the earlobe or a Schnitz orange.

The audio book "Im Schluchboot uf em Ozean" is still available in various bookstores.

This semester program tells the story of Esther (The Story of Esther in the Bible). Enclosed you will also find reports and pictures from the individual afternoons.

This semester program includes various games that will be played on the respective afternoons

Details can also be read in the reports.

Here you will find a semester program on the topic of "Samichlaus" (St. Nicholas). The Jungschar Salem has made him without further ado the SalemChlaus and developed a great program for it.

Here you will find a semester program on the topic: "Bomb". From the chase with bomber to the "bomb party" is everything in it.

Semester program presented as iPhone apps, Jungschar Weingarten

Semester program 1st semester 2011 of the Jungschar Stammheim

Knowing Biblical Cities: 8 afternoons

Jungschar Chrischona, Bettingen

A semester program of diverse activities on the theme "I like to move it!" and with 8 devotions on the parables of Jesus.

This article provides a little guidance for creating a semester or quarterly program.

Spiritual Concept of a Semester with 9 Devotions on the Lives of Elijah and Elisha.

Spiritual concept of a semester with 9 devotions on the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5-7).

The children learn about the standards of Jesus and how to apply them.

They read independently in the Bible and share about it.

A semester program on Esther and Ruth (Spiritual Theme) as well as various ideas for program activities.

125 Program Suggestions of Every Kind for Filled Young Share Afternoons

A semester program of 7 devotions and activities based on the story 'The Schlunz' by Harry Voss.

Semester program of 6 devotions on the life of Queen Esther.

A semester program of activities on the theme "Simply Animal!" and with 8 devotions via various animals.

A semester program of various activities on the theme of "I love ..." and with 7 devotions on Genesis.

On the road on a secret mission

This semester program is based on the following book:


The story is about William Tyndale, who translated the Bible into English. 

11 Afternoon Programs re: ABRAHAM

One semester is done and the next quarter is starting. But with which topic?

Here are a few suggestions.