Mit der komprimierten Luft im Luftballon schwimmen diese Boote schnell und eine ganz schön weite Strecke. Versucht einmal verschiedene Schläuche, Röhrchen, Hölzer, Luftballons und Verjüngungen (Verengung am Luftauslass) und schaut mit welcher Einstellung ihr am weitesten kommt.
- Base plate made of wood (160x110x10mm)
- Square wood (55x15x15mm)
- Roundwood (20x35mm)
- 1x tubes (straw)
- 2x balloon (1x spare)
- 1x cable tie
- Borm machine with 5mm borer
- Sage
- Wood glue
Propulsion Principle
The recoil principle is a consequence of Newton's 3rd axiom, when body A exerts a force on another body B, the body B exerts an equal force on A in the opposite direction. Simply put, the air that escapes "pushes" the boat forward - so it moves.
Building instructions - boat
Saw out a boat shape from a light wood 160x110x10mm and sand it cleanly.
According to the template, drill an oblique hole in the boat and glue a square wood 55x15x15mm onto the boat.
Building instructions - drive
The drive is done as mentioned above by the air that flows out of the balloon. A roundwood to 20x35mm saw and sand well so that the balloon is not broken.
In the roundwood a 5mm hole completely durchbohren.
Nun a balloon over the roundwood stülpen.
Then put a tube (straw) through the hole in the boat, bend it slightly and put it through the roundwood, attach the roundwood with a cable tie to the square bar.
Balloon Boat in Action
- Cover image and images:© Ronnie Berzins,
- File "Luftballon_Boot_Grundplan_01.png": © Ronnie Berzins,
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