With the compressed air in the balloon, these boats swim fast and quite a long distance. Try different hoses, tubes, woods, balloons and tapers (narrowing at the air outlet) and see with which setting you get the farthest.
- Base plate made of wood (160x110x10mm)
- Square wood (55x15x15mm)
- Roundwood (20x35mm)
- 1x tubes (straw)
- 2x balloon (1x spare)
- 1x cable tie
- Borm machine with 5mm borer
- Sage
- Wood glue
Propulsion Principle
The recoil principle is a consequence of Newton's 3rd axiom, when body A exerts a force on another body B, the body B exerts an equal force on A in the opposite direction. Simply put, the air that escapes "pushes" the boat forward - so it moves.
Building instructions - boat
Saw out a boat shape from a light wood 160x110x10mm and sand it cleanly.
According to the template, drill an oblique hole in the boat and glue a square wood 55x15x15mm onto the boat.
Building instructions - drive
The drive is done as mentioned above by the air that flows out of the balloon. A roundwood to 20x35mm saw and sand well so that the balloon is not broken.
In the roundwood a 5mm hole completely durchbohren.
Nun a balloon over the roundwood stülpen.
Then put a tube (straw) through the hole in the boat, bend it slightly and put it through the roundwood, attach the roundwood with a cable tie to the square bar.
Balloon Boat in Action
- Cover image and images:© Ronnie Berzins, www.kreativekiste.de
- File "Luftballon_Boot_Grundplan_01.png": © Ronnie Berzins, www.kreativekiste.de
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