Curve runs, pirouettes, jumps, trick riding and inline hockey make inline skating an extremely interesting and varied lesson content.Coordinated skills are addressed and improved, the condition can be promoted in a joint-friendly way.
- Tape light-reflective strips to the skates at the back and front. At night, carry a white light shining to the front and a red light shining to the back that can be easily seen. This can be attached to the clothing.
- Only ride on traffic-free squares, on sidewalks, pedestrian and bicycle paths.
- Ride on side streets with low traffic volume only if there is a lack of sidewalks, as well as pedestrian and bicycle paths along the road.
- Respect the signal "prohibition for vehicle-like devices" and respect the "prohibition for pedestrians"
- Brakes and "crumple zone" are an important part of accident prevention! Make sure elbow and knee pads are stockinged.
Source reference:
Content and images: Swiss Council for Accident Prevention, bfu, Bern copyright: erz [at] bfu.vh (erz[at]bfu[dot]vh )
The Safety Tool was developed as part of Reto and Rainer Langenegger's gymnastics teacher diploma thesis in collaboration with Jugend+Sport
see also: SISA Switzerland. Inline skating binding
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