Noah terrain game

Submitted by eeo_03 on

Action-packed game in three phases that takes into account the different needs of ants and young warriors and is perfect for an introduction to the story of Noah!

Procedure in different phases

The participants are divided into groups in such a way that Ameisli and Jungschärler are evenly divided.

Phase I:

The goal of the first phase is to produce enough food for the animals in the ark. To do this, the participants have to grow seeds on fields. They buy fields from the trader (approx. 200.-) and receive the slip "field" for it. However, a field is only valid as such if it was built at the group place. For this, the participants have to be creative and "build" their field by delimiting it with leaves or sticks. Once they have built a field, they can sow on it using corn kernels as seeds. There is room for a maximum of 5 kernels per field. They also buy this from the trader at a reasonable price (50.- to 100.- per 1-2 grains). The participants earn the money at different posts.

At the following posts the participants earn 50.- to max. 100.- each:

  • Rope technique
  • Creative tasks (singing songs, pantomime, theater, etc.)
  • Fire (search for wood, fire technique)
  • Dice lottery
    • TN sets a sum, which may amount to max. 150.-
    • TN> leader rolls the dice --> sum is doubled
    • TN < Leiter gewürfelt --> sum goes to leader
  • Possibly sports tasks

Care should be taken not to make this phase too long. With 30-40 minutes it is quite enough, because the capital of the TN in the form of corn kernels can be increased afterwards by beans (see intermediate phase).

Intermediate phase

The goal of the intermediate phase is to collect as many points as possible in the form of beans. The points act as fertilizer and increase the harvest. The number of points represents the multiplier of the harvest. The beans are collected on the bean field and transported to the group places. One bean per person may be transported, which is controlled by ladder. On the way there are robbers who steal the beans again. Finally, for every 2-4 beans there is 1 point. This factor is defined during the game and can also vary per group to balance points. At the end of this phase there is a drinking break in which the beans are counted and corn kernels are distributed. With the known number of corn kernels per group, an appropriate price can now be set for the animals in Phase III.

The idea behind this phase is that this should be a short but intense phase. That means it has many catchers and the children are challenged in this sense. Approximately 15 min are completely sufficient.

Phase III

The goal of Phase III is to fill the ark with enough animals (pairs). You buy the animals at the trader with corn grains for the price determined at the end of the intermediate phase and have there 15 animal species to choose from. Finally, you have already won with 10 pairs of animals. To accommodate the animals, the groups must each build an ark with materials from the forest. If this is deemed necessary, they can earn more corn grains at the posts.

The last phase is all about finishing. This can be done in a very variable way. All participants from the group are busy building the ark. If groups have too few corn kernels, there can still be the offer of the posts. Either one animal per species is enough or it is made more difficult with a pair per species.


  • Sheet of paper "Field
  • Animal slips (per group one pair per species)
  • Youth money
  • Beans
  • Corn kernels
  • Game ribbon


  • Gameplay as PDF
  • Overview of the game as MindMap
  • Overview of the different phases (phase I, intermediate phase, phase III)
  • Print templates

Images and overviews


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