The idea of this EPA afternoon is to continue with a story of the Secret of the Wild Wood, having adventures with Ruth, Philip and Terry and making the connection that what we sow we shall reap.
The first thing we did was to collect the shells from the kids so they wouldn't break them during the EPA.
Introduction- We did a skit to do a retelling, which was how the two day leaders are talking and one asks the other what happened with Philip and Ruth. The other supervisor tells him but makes one small mistake in the telling and that is to change Terry's name. The idea is that the children will realise that there is something wrong and step in and say the real name.
The game can be found here
We continue with the story of Ruth, Philip and Terry.
Big game
The Big Game can be Googled on the topic
Praise and sharing
We continue with praise and sharing. Sharing was with the key message "You reap what you sow" and using the passage Galatians 6:7-8. You can see the sharing here…
Verse to learn
The verse to learn is Galatians 6:7b. You can make the verse be in a creative and accessible way for children so they can learn and understand it easier and faster.
There comes a time when we will use the eggshells. We will use them to make little pots to put cress in. The children put cotton wool that has been soaked in water and put the watercress seeds on top. Water them with water. If the children wish they can decorate their egg in some way and draw a face on it. They must water it every day. Watercress grows very quickly and children will see the result very quickly in less than two weeks. When the watercress grows it will look like hair on the egg. Once the watercress has grown the children can eat it.
Homework for next time is to bring a toy for the children
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