Materials and Media
Games and sports

Together with the Teamweekend participants, we collect ideas for the realization of the starlizacks. The aim is to create material that can then be placed on the YoungstarsWiki.
A book summary of the book "The Smuggler of God" by Brother Andrew.
The whole text has been summarized and individual sections that are particularly important have been highlighted.

Wax seals add a beautiful detail to boys' baptismal certificates, letters and scrolls that is sure to impress. The engraving can be related to the camp, semester or afternoon theme or can generally fit in with the Jungschar.
A book summary of the book "Robin Hood" by Howard Pyle.
Each of the 15 chapters is briefly summarized in key words.
The summary can be a help e.g. to develop the storyline for a Robin Hood SoLa.

Money is often limited in the Jungschar. However, this should not stand in the way of a cool program. Here are a few stores where you can get the respective material at the best price.

Many leaders find it difficult to pack away their tents. Here are a few tips for packing away and inventory lists for the most common group tents.

I prepared this workshop as part of a camp (Steven Spielfilm - das Geheimnis des roten Fadens) organized by Bibellesebund. It deals with the topic of film from the basic idea to production and post-production.
You can't believe everything that Hollywood and co. present to us. Various tricks are used in movies. One of the most common is the so-called green or blue screen technique.

In the digital age, a web presence for one's group is almost indispensable. Many churches already have a website. If there is the possibility to present there all the important information of your Jungschar, this offers itself, because this is free of charge for you. However, it is not always possible to present your youth group there to the necessary extent

A wonderful webpage with a huge of material to experience the nature, to explore or to learn for kids. You can use the ideas also for your youngstars afternoon or to visualize your devotionals.

Here are a few ideas and tips for writing articles.
Achja: As with every other article on the YoungstarsWiki: Additions are welcome!

In this article you will find two lists. The basic list contains the components that are on the packing list for (almost) every camp

Videos are a very effective public relations tool in youth ministry.
There are very many ways in which videos can be used. For example, you can make promotional videos, camp review videos, or pre-event videos for special events.