Als Team durch ein Spielfeld finden, wo man den Weg gar nicht kennt!
Dabei einander ermutigen und entscheidungen fällen.
- Masking tape to cover the playing field (can also be drawn in sand) - playing field should be approx. 7 x 21 squares.
- Game board with the path drawn on it
- Slips of paper with terms that have to be mimed
Educational aim
To promote team spirit by giving compliments.
To acknowledge that others know something too.
Biblical interpretation
Psalm 23:4
Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.
- Appoint a game master
- Show the game plan to the players for 10 seconds.
- First player sets off. Actions according to the rules.
- Game is finished when the goal is reached.
- Reflect on the game and the behavior of the participants
- After the game master has been chosen, he shows the players the game board for 10 seconds.
- The aim is to get from Alpha to Omega on the board.
- Any player starts and tries to find their way from memory.
- The directions are horizontal or vertical.
- You can run until you have run the wrong way once.
- If you enter a wrong square, you have to mime something and the group has 30 seconds to guess it.
This is where the game is decided:
Guess - You can continue on the field, the player must be replaced.
Not guess ing - The player who went wrong is punished (gets a blindfold, legs tied together, only backwards, one-legged etc...). Of course, it can get to the point where you get several penalties). - There are also special fields on the playing field:
Encouragement field (E) - The player tells someone in the group what he appreciates about them.
Waves field (W) - The group makes a wave for the player.
Joker field (J) - Penalty is canceled or 1 field is revealed.
Safety note
Nothing special
Reflection questions
- Was there a decision situation where you knew exactly what would have been right but nobody listened to you?
Why did that happen? - Do you listen to each other in the team or are there people who are not trusted to know something?
- Do you encourage each other in the team when you're having a bad time and can't see the way because of all the problems?
Source reference
Cover picture and pictures by Dario
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