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Games and sports
What are the names of the mountains in the Bible and what activities took place at/on them?
- Mountain of longing
- Mountain of silence
- Mountain of salvation
- Mountain of prayer
- Mountain of preaching
- Mountain of decision
Attached is the rough program for a camp on the theme "Go West - Settlers". Unfortunately the planning of the last day is missing. But it is worth looking at the other seven days.
Revelation according to tapes by Rev. Walter Weyrich
Lessons 2 - 14 see PDF file
Taster afternoon of the Jungschar Benaja Seedorf with:
- ropeway
- big rope bridge
- picnic
Experiencing history: Hebrews/Egyptians with the plagues that go with it
Critical questions and statements
On the Bible text: Genesis 1:1-31
All chapters in detail, see PDF file (24 pages)
A little game on the story of Samson.
(Bible; Judges 13-16)
The principle is similar to the game Scissors, Rock, Paper.
This article provides a little guidance for creating a semester or quarterly program.
A Christmas theatre about the joy of life, time and love
The board loop is used to attach a board for a swing, for example. Two loops are placed around the board and the inner loop is then pulled over the board.
A semester program of diverse activities on the theme "I like to move it!" and with 8 devotions on the parables of Jesus.
The tether knot is suitable for tying people up. It is further developed from the pole knot.
The mason's knot is suitable for attaching to trees or for hauling beams and logs with a rope. It is a tapered loop and holds only under tension. The knot is also called a carpenter's knot.
A semester program on Esther and Ruth (Spiritual Theme) as well as various ideas for program activities.
The Bretzel, also called Schiffer or half blow, is used to fasten a taut rope to a tree or mast. He is a tapered noose.
When Jesus spoke, it came alive. He did not make yawning lectures with many abstract words but often used pictures. We humans love pictures. Pictures are easier to memorize. Pictures illustrate something and pictures can be remembered - especially when they have something to do with our life. And the pictures which Jesus used, had to do with his audience. Let us take the parables of the kingdom of heaven (Matthew chapter 13) as an example. A whole chapter where Jesus talks in images to the people and his disciples. There were many farmers among the audience and that is what the parables of the fourfold field are aiming at - the word which does not only fall on good soil or the image of the enemy who sows a seed which destroys the good seed. Then there were also housewives, for whom the image of the leaven is just right or then also the fishing net, which of course fits for the fishermen in this region at the so-called Galilean Sea - the Sea of Galilee.
But if we now ask ourselves which image Jesus probably used as the very first one, it seems to be not so easy at all. And if I'm going to ask it that way, it's certainly not one of the ones I just mentioned. That's true. The parable of the fishing net is the closest to our image, because it is also about fishing. Now, of course, it rings a bell with most people. It is about the incident when Jesus was passing by the Sea of Galilee and saw Peter and Andrew in the boat and called out to them, "Come, follow me. I will make you fishers of men!" An incident that is actually familiar to many of us. But I think it's worth looking at a little more closely:
Have you ever tried making plaster masks? Haven't you? It's a great craft, but needs some instruction.
A quick reaction game with evaluation.
Juggling with drainage, is a totally simple game with an insane fun factor. By moving back and forth, a tennis ball can be thrown into the air and then caught again with the other side.
Max the gymnast moves while turning the crank and performs his little tricks. It does not matter to Max whether he moves forward or backward, fast or slow.
A wind direction sensor, called a wind vane or weather vane, is an indicating instrument for determining the wind direction. A movable measuring element aligns itself with the dynamic pressure of the wind.
This game is played with flower sprayers or water atomizers. The goal is to get the ping pong ball into the goal of the opponent with the water pressure from the bottle.
A scroll, was used before there were books, newspapers or a PC. Many children do not know what a scroll looked like or how it was used. During the devotion this scroll can be unrolled and read out. Afterwards, each child can make such a scroll and for each new story there is a new picture in each hour, until the story, for example, of Joseph is finished.
Steve the parrot is happy with every turn more, but before Steve can fly off he must be wound up once released he works like a big flywheel. Depending on the length of the thread and the thickness of the paper, it can even fly for quite a while
Prayer class for each day of a week with theme:
To do this, we look at the life of Gehazi, the servant of Elisha
Build a small, simple, inexpensive boat with kids that actually floats? No problem, with this pet bottle boat.
With the compressed air in the balloon, these boats swim fast and quite a long distance. Try different hoses, tubes, woods, balloons and tapers (narrowing at the air outlet) and see with which setting you get the farthest.
This boat moves forward in the water with the energy stored in the rubber by turning the paddle wheel backwards. It can be experimented with different amounts and thicknesses of rubber until the best result is achieved.
To knot the monkey fist (a ball) is not so difficult and does not take as much time as many think. The monkey fist is mainlyused as a decorative knot.
According to Wikipedia, the monkey fist is also called Schmeissknoten, Kindskopf or Monkeyhead.
Ninja is a game to bridge short waiting periods.
It's that simple to create a camp song that will stay in everyone's ears at least until after camp.
A fun game of tag.
An input on the 9th commandment, "Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor." Three different movie scenes from "The Hurricane" with Denzel Washington are shown and a parallel is drawn to the similar case of Jesus. The focus will be on the false testimony and what it caused. The participants should become aware of the effects a false statement can have and they should be sensitized for this topic
In our youth group we first played a game in which one of the youth was wrongly accused of throwing a stone at a leader during an integrated water fight. A whole trial was staged with judge, jury, prosecutor, false witnesses, with some of the participants being part of the jury. Much like the movie "Hurricane."
Of course, you should know the story and plot for input. Watching the movie beforehand can't hurt ;).
As they search for the rescue submarine, everyone is in the dark. Yet it's in the middle of the ocean, acting all calm while everyone else searches excitedly.
A fun icebreaker where there is no loser.
And God said, "Let there be space between the waters to separate the waters." And so it happened, God created that space to separate the waters above and below it. And God called the space "heaven." It became evening and morning: the second day. (Genesis 1:6-8)
I have the devotion on the second day to the "dividing of the waters." We now disagree on what the water looked like in the sky. I imagine clouds. As we know them now. But my brother thinks there were no clouds before the Flood and it was a layer of water in the sky. Can you help us there? What did the water in the sky look like?
Create and play a creative commercial so that every child has the opportunity to contribute their ideas. Every child is actively involved in the commercial, so no exclusion or indifference is possible.
In the limited playing field of a group, about 15 bend lights are hidden in the meadow. The opposing group must run through the field and without being caught by the opposing group bring these bend lights to his playing field and hide them again.
The somewhat different cooking recipe. The ingredients must first be looked up in the Bible passages :D
Make an orienteering course with the Bible. This article shows you how to make an orienteering event where the participants are led through different Bible passages to the next post. It's fun - let yourself be surprised...
Everybody loves to get a present, a beautiful bike, colouringpencils, a doll, etc.
God gave us the most beautiful gift... ...His only Son, Jesus Christ.
Building a presentation with Prezi
Finding your way as a team through a playing field where you don't even know the way!
Encourage each other and make decisions.
Simple team game on the topic of conflicts in a team.
Two simple team games for small groups to improve their communication and coordination
A game that is all about strategy.
The laws of physics are put to the test here. Everyone must be able to rely on each other.
Making your own Advent chain to count down till Christmas.
An idea find on www.spelloutloud.com