Growth factors
Games and sports
A spiritual concept that is suitable for 9 afternoons. It combines a various comic character with different biblical stories, with different program ideas. Suitable for children from the 3rd grade (youth group age).
For a long time, the church of F. has regularly held interesting meetings for the family members of the youth and teenagers. Everyone is invited - "family" is not seen so much genetically as "spiritually". Everyone is invited to be part of the "family of God". Here even singles, grandmas, neighbor kids, single mothers .... feel comfortable. The meetings are organized by families or small teams from the community. The focus is not on perfect organisation, not on a stylish programme, but on fellowship, games, fun, conversations, spontaneity, mutual service, encouragement and sharing.
New, Effective Ways in Community Building
1. Family as part of the creation order
2. Happy families form the best foundation of any social order
3. Families - Temples of God
4. Family as a shelter against the destructive, anti-human decay
5. Families helping families - social networks
6. Winning whole families for the kingdom of God
7. Families experience joy(s) - imagination - peace
8. ... before it's too late
In many churches and congregations, children have to move to other age groups. It can happen that this becomes a problem. Why this is so and what can be done about it, this article wants to give information about.
This is a summary of the book:
"Youth Ministry with Vision"
by Doug Fields from Projection J Publishing.
ISBN: 3-89490-318-X
How do we deal with change in our lives?
Life is in constant flux, we cannot change. Since the fall of man, we have been subject to transience. The name Abel (Genesis 4:2) means "transience"; the name of his brother Cain (Genesis 4:12-16) means "chased, hurried"; the land of Nod in verse 16 means "land of restless living".