Games and sports

Art in nature
Land art can be done almost anywhere in nature and you don't have to take almost anything with you.
Let off steam creatively using only natural materials.

The inhabitants of Quatsch tried to sneak across the heavily guarded border and reclaim the money that had been stolen over the years from the bank in Quark. The inhabitants of Quark are trying to do the same with the bank in Quatsch.

Working with soapstone is a craft that inspires both girls and boys. Whether at summer camp or as a youth group afternoon, soapstone always goes and promotes the creativity of the children.

Perhaps we have already had contact with "magical" places in the forest and can imagine that a long time ago in the forest have also hoofed strange creatures, such as dragons, giants, dwarves. Of course, these beings have also known games. Two of them are presented here.

An evening around the campfire is made for storytelling, and those stories today are, of course, about the forest.

Dusk is a special time in the forest. One has the feeling that silence returns to the forest. Probably this impression is based on the fact that the bird calls gradually disappear. But of course there is no peace in the forest, because now begins for many animals the actually active time of day.

When we hear "forest animal" we probably think first of the larger specimens of forest fauna, such as deer, stags, foxes, badgers, or perhaps martens or squirrels, but there are many more.

We get to know the forest as a habitat for plants in an experiential way. "Knowing" here means much more than just knowing the names. We learn about the characteristics and nature of plant life and try to get closer to them in different ways

The following suggestion goes beyond the actual forest day. We present here a frame story that takes place every day and that creates rather quiet, contemplative moments in the lively camp life.

We have now playfully introduced ourselves to the forest floor. However, have we really noticed what it has on the ground?

The given order of the program suggestions is one possibility among many.
Depending on the age group, it may be more appropriate to spread the "Forest Day" ideas over several days.

Program blocks in the camp program:
- in which all can participate
- which must "carry" over a long period of time
- where material and location can be organized to some extent

The forest offers ideal conditions for hide-and-seek as well as adventure games. However, clear rules must be agreed and certain safety precautions taken

Visiting a cave is an exciting adventure for young and old. Natural wonders can be marvelled at, which can only be found in a cave.

Throughout the four seasons, we draw various comparisons to ourselves based on nature:
Spring - preparation
Summer - growth
Autumn - Harvest
Winter - resting

Week camp with devotions and playing cards:
Discover the meaning of your life
Complete article, see PDF files

Experience the forest with all your senses.
Children in particular love being out in nature. This offers them opportunities for play and adventure without sensory overload. Nowadays, however, you sometimes have to put children on the track(s) and guide them first.