Evangelistic projects
Games and sports

During the telling of a biblical story, the children are each given a drink that suits them. This allows them to experience the story and immerse themselves in the feelings of the characters.

This season, we will look at the story of William Tyndale, who translated the Bible from Hebrew into English. Through this story, we will be able to show children the importance of the Word and that we should be thankful to have it in a language that is accessible to us. We will experience different things that are part of the story.

This season, we will look at the story of William Tyndale, who translated the Bible from Hebrew into English. Through this story, we will be able to show the children the importance of the Word and that we should be thankful to have it in a language that is accessible to us. We will experience different things that are part of the story.

This season, we will look at the story of William Tyndale, who translated the Bible from Hebrew into English. Through this story, we will be able to show children the importance of the Word and that we should be thankful to have it in a language that is accessible to us. We will experience different things that are part of the story.

This season, we will look at the story of William Tyndale, who translated the Bible from Hebrew into English. Through this story, we will be able to show children the importance of the Word and that we should be thankful to have it in a language that is accessible to us. We will experience different things that are part of the story.

This season, we will look at the story of William Tyndale, who translated the Bible from Hebrew into English. Through this story, we will be able to show children the importance of the Word and that we should be thankful to have it in a language that is accessible to us. We will experience different things that are part of the story.

This season, we will look at the story of William Tyndale, who translated the Bible from Hebrew into English. Through this story, we will be able to show children the importance of the Word and that we should be thankful to have it in a language that is accessible to us. We will experience different things that are part of the story.

This season, we will look at the story of William Tyndale, who translated the Bible from Hebrew into English. Through this story we will be able to show the children the importance of the Word and that we should be thankful to have it in a language that is accessible to us. You will experience different things that are part of the story.

In the new quarter of our EPA season, we are starting with a new theme that is related to different short stories. They involve children and animals that God uses in amazing ways. The next story we will look at is about a little girl who really wanted to have blue eyes like her mother.
In the new quarter of our EPA season, we are starting a new theme that is all about different short stories. They are related to children or animals that God uses in amazing ways. The next story we will look at is about a little five-year-old girl named Mariana who had become a missionary at a young age.

In the new quarter of our EPA season, we are starting a new theme that is all about different short stories. They are related to children or animals that God uses in amazing ways. The next story we will look at is about the little dog who took some torn pages from the Bible to the Chinese command and eventually 82 soldiers from that command accepted Jesus Christ as their Savior.
In the new quarter of our EPA season, we are starting a new theme that is all about different short stories. They are related to children or animals that God uses in amazing ways. The third story we will look at is about George the parrot and Winnie Davis the missionary. Our focus will be on the fact that even with our weaknesses we can serve God.
In the new quarter of our EPA season, we are starting a new theme that is all about different short stories. They are related to children or animals that God uses in amazing ways. The next story we will look at will be about John Sr. and his family. Our emphasis will be on the fact that no matter what difficulties we get into, God will not abandon us and he will always be with us.

In the new quarter of our EPA season, we are starting a new theme that is all about different short stories. They are related to children or animals that God uses in amazing ways. The first story we will look at is about a ten-year-old girl named Monica. Our focus will be on learning to listen and trust God in all situations.

Quarter programme
Short Stories 2022
The program is based on several different short stories telling why God works and works through people and animals in amazing ways. Over the course of 7 gatherings, we want to impart these short stories to the children and motivate them to live with Christ without fear of the reaction of their friends or society.

This EPA afternoon was a recap of the theme of "The Secret of the Wild Wood" and we tried to include the most revealing moments of the story, wanting to emphasize that by changing Ruth, they were able to help everyone around her by influencing them and they changed.
This is the last EPA afternoon of this story about The Secret of the Wild Woods. It was where we relived the last adventures with Ruth and Philip and made the connection that we will have a new body in the sky.
The idea of this EPA afternoon is to continue with the story of the Secret of the Wildwood, having adventures with Ruth and Philip and making the connection that a life without sickness and sorrow awaits us in heaven.
The idea of this EPA afternoon is to continue with the story of The Secret of the Wildwood, experiencing adventures with Ruth and Philip and making the connection that everyone needs repentance.
The idea of this EPA afternoon is to continue with the story of The Secret of the Wild Wood, having adventures with Ruth and Philip and making a connection so we are ready to give it our all, however small.
The idea of this EPA afternoon is to continue with a story of the Secret of the Wild Wood, having adventures with Ruth, Philip and Terry and making the connection that what we sow we shall reap.
The idea of this EPA afternoon is to continue with the story of The Secret of the Wild Wood, experiencing adventures with Ruth and Philip and making a connection to making friends and helping people without prejudice.

In this afternoon's EPA, we investigated a case that concerned a dispute between two mothers regarding a child, each claiming that the child was hers.....
Have you figured it out yet, yes this is the case that King Solomon solved quickly, easily and most of all wisely.
As usual we started with a welcome, rules and a preface.

At this EPA, we decided our theme would be The Deception Between Esau and Jacob,
We began with a short skit between "Laban" and "Jacob," with the skit expressing Laban's promise to give his daughter for seven years of labor on Jacob's part.
To begin with, our day leaders welcomed the children in the usual way, then the leader, who was playing the lead investigator on the case, explained that the next crime we would be investigating was theft. During this time another head came through the door, he explained in a sober tone that they should put the theft aside because something more important had come up, namely murder. He explained that as he was walking in the field he saw a dead man on the ground. The two of them and the chief investigator then got the children ready and together they all walked to the park where the usual investigative game took place.

This EPA starts in a slightly more unusual place than usual... a collapsed building, and the clue we had uploaded to Facebook this time was shackles.
The idea of this EPA afternoon is to look at God's Word, continuing with the theme God's Word is like a sword.

The idea of this EPA afternoon is to look at God's Word, continuing with the theme God's Word is like a mirror.

The idea of this EPA afternoon is to look at God's Word, continuing from the theme God's Word is like light.

The idea of this EPA afternoon is to look at God's Word, continuing with the theme of God's Word as seed.
The idea of this EPA afternoon is to look at God's Word, continuing with the theme God's Word is more valuable even than gold and silver.

The idea of this EPA afternoon is to look at God's Word, continuing with the theme God's Word is like honey.

The idea of this EPA afternoon is to look at God's Word, continuing with the theme of God's Word as milk.

The idea of this EPA afternoon is to look at God's Word, continuing with the theme God's Word is like fire.

The prepared program is on the theme of God's Word as..., and at each of our 10 gatherings related to this theme we look at God's Word as a different thing. Our aim is to get the ladies to think about the fact that the Bible is not just a book.

The idea of this EPA afternoon is to continue with the story of The Secret of the Wildwood, having adventures with Ruth and Philip and making the connection that As sheep listen to the voice of their shepherd, I listen to the voice of God.
The idea of this EPA afternoon is to continue with the story of the Secret of the Wildwood, having adventures with Ruth and Philip and making the connection that Jesus wants to find every lost sheep.
The idea of this EPA afternoon is to begin with the story of the Secret of the Wildwood and look at the lives of the two children Ruth and Philip, making the connection that Jesus loves each of us, no matter what we are.

The program is based on the book "The Secret of the Wild Wood" about a girl named Ruth and her brother Philip and their adventures. Our goal is that in 10 gatherings we can experience some of the story and encourage children to want to follow Jesus like Ruth and Philip.

I wanted to tackle the meaning of the cross with our church youth group, aged 12+, who are predominently not church-going children.
Below is an outline for a talk which worked really well for us as the framework for an evening around a campfire - taking the group through from an easy introduction to symbols and logos through to a biblical presentation of the meaning of the cross.
We finished the evening with a challenge to the children; to make them think more carefully about the cross and what it means to them. You may want to change this to better suit the type of group you have, and where they are on their spiritual journeys.

for you and your team
Steps into God's presence - five steps into "tête à tête" with God. Here, opposite God, you will find energy for you and your team.

Workshop 1 on article Evangelization ... for you
Why does God allow suffering?
How do I explain the difference to Islam?
Do we need a God if we can explain the laws of nature and life through evolution?
Is belief in God something for the weak?

You have to be on fire for evangelization
"Charisma is when someone is on fire inside and you can feel it on the outside."
(Gerhard Schöne)