
Here you can find an overview of over 850 youngstars names, collected at the BESJ Team Weekend Ideas Fun-fair with over 1000 youngstars leaders from Switzerland.

How do I build a raft for water activities with my children/teens? Find instructions with all the information you need here!

See also:

This outdoor-sauna is run by a fire with a pressurized pot on it, that is providing steam to heat up your sauna.

With a sock and a box inside, the start is given for a sock puppet. Now it is quite individual. You can create your sock puppet with all kinds of craft materials.

Here is a little tutorial on how to make up three different types of wounds. To spice up any paramedic course or in the afternoon. (Caution! For people who cannot see blood)

During the telling of a biblical story, the children are each given a drink that suits them. This allows them to experience the story and immerse themselves in the feelings of the characters.

Heat the tin over a camping stove until it becomes liquid. Then pour into the prepared mold. After cooling, sand the pewter figure with files until it fits.

Make your own chocolate candy. The way it works is that you dip grissini as a "wick" in various types of liquid chocolate and enjoy them as a dessert at the end.

Disguises are the easiest way to immerse yourself in another world for a while in your imagination. And with very little effort!

Together with the Teamweekend participants, we collect ideas for the realization of the starlizacks. The aim is to create material that can then be placed on the YoungstarsWiki.

We are building a hot tub with a circulating pump and wood fire, we want to show how you can build something cool with simple means and enjoy a relaxing evening in the pool far away from civilization. There is also a cozy corner with sofas, a fireplace and a barbecue.

Eating cheese slices can function as a kind of team building activity. We eat cheese slices after the Jungschi afternoon, for example. On the one hand, we use this as a source of nourishment, but also to strengthen the leadership team.

You take an uncoated, empty tin, bend a small grill rack, make two holes in the tin to hang a wire loop, place a mini pizza on the rack, push the rack into the tin and place the tin in the fire. And the pizza is ready to bake.

Here you can find an overview of all the ideas that were presented at the BESJ Team Weekend Ideas Market.

In the attached file you will find the most important points to evaluate a devotion / input, based on the HALMA system. On the second page you will find key points for evaluating an afternoon program. Always remember in the team - give each other feedback! Because five positive ones weigh just as much as one negative one.

A method of earning the Jungschar stars in the form of a competition.

This article describes the construction of a launch pad for the water rocket, for which you can also find the building instructions here on Youngstarswiki.

In a camp setting or on a special day, a fair is set up by the children. Leaders and caregivers visit the children's fair. Through a great offer the children try to take the play money from their caregivers.


  • Soap base
  • Lavender oil
  • Food coloring
  • Lavender buds (dried)
  • Gas cooker
  • Casserole
  • Knife
  • Silicone Forms
  • Wooden spoon or whisk

Wax seals add a beautiful detail to Jungscharname baptismal certificates, letters and scrolls that impress. The engraving can be related to the camp, semester, or even afternoon theme, or can be generally appropriate to the Jungschar.

Idea for a sheep made of yarn

After we have experienced a cool Sola with Asterix & Obelix, we do not want to withhold our planning documents from you and hope to be able to provide you with tools and ideas for an exciting Sola.

If you have any questions or uncertainties, please do not hesitate to contact us at Jungschar Uzwil.

Building an improvised bivouac without talking to each other is a real challenge.

But the results are impressive.

Here you will find a simple recipe how to fry nettles on the fire.

Working with soapstone is a craft that inspires both girls and boys. Whether at summer camp or as a youth group afternoon, soapstone always goes and promotes the creativity of the children.

Make fun pencil ornaments with pipe cleaners

On various topics, costume contests can be made with the children. The disguises are made from everyday materials such as newspaper and tape.

Possible themes: Kings (e.g., on the story of David, Solomon).

A great way to act out Bible stories or other stories in a devotional is with Playmobil.

In this article I give you some tips and ideas.

A Raben-Vertüferli from a clothespin.

Fitting e.g. to the story of Elijah and the ravens or to the main message: God cares for you.

Or to the Bible verse 1 Peter 5:7

The Vertüüferli is used as a magnetic note holder.

A little craft to a devotion with the possible topics:

  • Prayer
  • Psalm 50:50 or Psalm 4:4
  • "God hears you"
  • "You can always talk to God"

A great little bag for devotions on a wide variety of topics.

You can also attach a hidden message that appears when you open the clothespin.

A Vertüüferli to your devotion, for example, on the topics of "salvation" or "Jesus saves"


A sweet Zvieri for over the fire

Here's how to make marshmallows yourself

Here you can find out how you can use cotton pads and wax to make fire starters with the children

Here's how to make an edible crocodile from a cucumber.

The cucumber crocodile goes with, for example:

-A jungle program / party

-To the story of Joseph in Egypt (Nile crocodile)

Make an edible snake out of a sandwich.

The snake is suitable, for example, for:

-A jungle program / festival

-An animal / creation program

-The story of the brazen serpent

Make fruit skewers coated with chocolate

Make a heart-shaped pillow with fur fabric

The pillow fits e.g. to the topics: love (God loves you), friendship (e.g. to the story of David and Jonathan)

Make a cake in the shape of a treasure chest.

The cake goes with, for example: a treasure hunt program, a seafaring camp, a pirate program, the story of the treasure in the field, to the main idea "You are valuable to God"

Make a heart-shaped card holder out of wire. The card holder fits e.g. love (God loves you), friendship (e.g. story of David and Jonathan) or is suitable as a present for Mother's Day.

practical tips and specials


Location: in the forest

Duration: 1 to 1.5 hours

From salt dough you can make great tablets of the law. First, they look very real and second, Moses can break them in his anger. (Unfortunately, ours were broken before a photo was taken...)

Later, Moses had to write down the laws himself. You might as well make some as vertüferli with the Jungschärlern.

A diddly bow was originally an activity for farm kids. It was usually some stick, broomstick or the like, to which a tin can was attached and then a wire was stretched. By plucking it, you could play notes and by placing a bottle neck on the string, you could adjust the pitch.

65 Themes for Teen or Youth Evenings

Program for 1/2 Year Teen Youth Group