
- What the children notice should be made an issue

- Stress in the forest is not a daily goal

How to create a forest day with groups


An accident has happened - what to do?

- Don't lose your head

- Take immediate measures and order

- Inform

Inline skating offers many ways to make physical education fun and attractive.

Similar to tennis, yet incomparable!

Frisbee games can be played anytime and almost anywhere.

An X-Athlon provides an answer to the question: how do you engage groups of children in a challenging and varied way without too much material expense?

Useful advice for various venues and situations


Program blocks in the camp program:

- in which all can participate

- which must "carry" over a long period of time 

- where material and location can be organized to some extent 

Four different viewpoints on orienteering:

- Wildlife and bird species in contact with orienteers
- Sensitive terrain areas
- Consequences for course layout
- Ecological orienteering calendar

The forest offers ideal conditions for hide-and-seek as well as adventure games. However, clear rules must be agreed and certain safety precautions taken

Your camp participants should have many play options and opportunities available to them in the non-programmed time in camp ("marginal times") in self-selected play groups, in pairs or alone

Enterprises are larger games and sporting events in camp, such as:

- Olympiads
- Games tournaments
- Major competitions
- Games festivals

Are you taking home 3 cans of pepper and salt again after every camp?

Do you re-buy all your spices before each camp - and then find more somewhere?

Spices have a long shelf life and can therefore be used again in the next Pfila

What to do if you have non-swimmers in your group?

Visiting a cave is an exciting adventure for young and old. Natural wonders can be marvelled at, which can only be found in a cave.

Making as much oil (Coke cans) dry up as possible and being the first to reach the finish line - these are the high goals that the teens set for themselves in this game.

Who dares, wins!


A play on the theme: light and darkness

Cool off-road game for teens

An interesting game idea for 4 players

The playground structure determines play behavior

Juggling Is a physically and mentally relaxing activity

Money is often limited in the Jungschar. However, this should not stand in the way of a cool program. Here are a few stores where you can get the respective material at the best price.

Many leaders find it difficult to pack away their tents. Here are a few tips for packing away and inventory lists for the most common group tents.

What do we mean by a project?

Project programs aim to meet the needs and interests of teenagers, or simply to pursue certain activities over a longer period of time, whereby active participation / design is required.

Teenagers create one or more circus shows

As a youth group, our aim is to pass on a word from the Bible to young people and adults in addition to sporting competitions. A prominent guest is also invited each time.

Building rafts and navigating rivers and lakes is considered by many to be a dream outdoor experience and is associated with exciting stories such as Tom Sawyer. This article looks at different types of raft building and how they can be used in youth work.

Throughout the four seasons, we draw various comparisons to ourselves based on nature:

Spring - preparation
Summer - growth
Autumn - Harvest
Winter - resting

Encourage the teens' existing creativity and let it come to the fore by planning, designing and realizing a joint project. It is possible and sensible to let the teens themselves work out the type and execution of a project in the competition. The joint realization of the project should lead to a sense of achievement, which encourages more creative activities (project can be combined with public relations work!)

Taster afternoon of the Jungschar Benaja Seedorf with:

- ropeway
- big rope bridge
- picnic

Experiencing history: Hebrews/Egyptians with the plagues that go with it

Goal of the game:

- Extinguish torch from the other village
- Cook food (zVieri/snack, dinner) - for this you have to keep the fire going

Week camp with devotions and playing cards:

Discover the meaning of your life

Complete article, see PDF files

8 day sola 2014 of the youth forum Wiedenest

Detail program Teen-Sola 2014

Theme: Vikings

The board loop is used to attach a board for a swing, for example. Two loops are placed around the board and the inner loop is then pulled over the board.

The tether knot is suitable for tying people up. It is further developed from the pole knot.

The mason's knot is suitable for attaching to trees or for hauling beams and logs with a rope. It is a tapered loop and holds only under tension. The knot is also called a carpenter's knot.

The Bretzel, also called Schiffer or half blow, is used to fasten a taut rope to a tree or mast. He is a tapered noose.

Goal of the week: to help teens get a long-term vision for living as a Christian in order to survive in a postmodern, de-Christianized environment

Adventure with the EXPLORER youth group, Uznach

Jungschar program, invited: non-believing youth

Petroleum lamps are easy to use and really bring out the boy's spirit in camps.

Petrolamps can be ordered online.

Here's a quick guide on how to use a petroleum lamp.

This petroleum lamp is also called storm lantern or lantern.

The stopper hitch is a knot that clamps when loaded and slides when unloaded. Similar to the Prusik.

A wind direction sensor, called a wind vane or weather vane, is an indicating instrument for determining the wind direction. A movable measuring element aligns itself with the dynamic pressure of the wind.

To knot the monkey fist (a ball) is not so difficult and does not take as much time as many think. The monkey fist is mainlyused as a decorative knot.

According to Wikipedia, the monkey fist is also called Schmeissknoten, Kindskopf or Monkeyhead.

The somewhat different cooking recipe. The ingredients must first be looked up in the Bible passages :D

Relay? No! No way. That's way too dangerous, and what could happen there!

We want to show you that abseiling doesn't have to be any more dangerous than playing cross-country in the woods. If you observe the basic safety precautions, then abseiling becomes a good and special event that will be remembered for a long time.

See PDF file

for complete article with pictures of knots, carabiners, etc