Games at home
Games and sports

Earning and spending money... That's the basic principle of this year's Christmas market. After a short review of the year with the parents of the Jungschikinder, we created our own Christmas market.

It works in a similar way to normal floorball. Instead of field hockey sticks, the players have a fly swatter and the game is played with a ping-pong ball. The playing field, group size and goal size can be freely adapted to suit requirements.

The youth group version of the game Werewolves of Bleak Forest (static) and Among us / Mafia (mobile).

Three teams want to open a seafood restaurant. To ensure the long-term survival, a good training of the staff is essential. In addition, it is always an advantage if a restaurant can boast as many stars as possible. A serious jury will award a golden aquarium to the restaurant with the most original and creative ideas

The classic game Cards against Humanity with its black humor is available in all possible variations. Now also available in a youngsters' version and a little more suitable for children.

There are approx. 3 to 5 posts (depending on the number of leaders). Each post has several numbers and the players have to solve different tasks for the different numbers. The posts are distributed in and around the house. The tickets (1x, 2x, 3x) are filled out by the leader at the post.
On various topics, costume contests can be made with the children. The disguises are made from everyday materials such as newspaper and tape.
Possible themes: Kings (e.g., on the story of David, Solomon).

This game is suitable for teaching young children how to use and find their way around the Bible in a playful way.

This Bible quiz is very popular among teenagers. In a playful way they look for Bible passages and learn the Bible once in a special way.

... or Schusser, Clicker etc. There are over 100 names for this game in the German-speaking world alone and at least as many games.

Adventure rooms can now be found in every major city. You are locked in a room and have to free yourself from it within a certain time. Simple adventure rooms can also be set up yourself and completed with children in a youth group afternoon

Scrabble is a well-known parlour game that can also be expanded with several variants, give it a try!

Something completely different is an Olympiad that takes place blindfolded - a totally new experience!
The three cantons of Uri, Schwyz and Nidwalden each form a game group. The game is played according to the official rules (Swiss edition)

Role play around career choice, job interviews, bullying and career.
These topics are brand new to our teens as well. We play the serious case in a not quite serious way.