Team game conflict training

Submitted by kurtmühlematter on

Simple team game on the topic of conflicts in a team.

Conflict potential

This modified tug-of-war can bring underlying conflicts to the surface. The players' approaches and reactions reveal certain characters and patterns of behavior. These can be worked through well in a reflection.

Game explanation

Game preparation

  • strong rope with a wooden stick knotted in the middle
  • (tennis) ball
  • Center line on which the ball initially lies
  • two baselines at a distance of approx. 4m


Course of the game

  • two teams line up behind the baseline and hold the rope
  • then, with the help of the wooden stick, they try to roll the ball to their side behind the baseline or hit the ball with the stick so that it rolls behind the line
  • as soon as the ball is behind the line, this group gets a point


Rules of the game

  • you may not cross the center line
  • no player may touch either the ball or the wooden stick
  • the opponent may not be touched


This game can be a lot of fun, but it can also end in arguments. It is therefore important to reflect carefully with the groups:

  • Possibly start with a reflection in the individual teams.
  • Ask players to express their anger clearly in words without blaming others.
  • Have teams reflect on how the game went and where they may have reached an impasse and why.
  • How did the teams interact?
  • Were the teams aware of their behavior during the game? Did they react to each other's behavior and take wise measures? Was there a team leader?
  • How did they communicate? Did the two teams communicate with each other? What special words were used?

Since you can score several points (e.g. which team has 5 points first), team development is possible. Reflect on this point as well.

A reference to the conflict theories can be helpful.


Conflicts exist almost everywhere and many of us carry conflicts around with us. This game can help you to become aware of yourself. By giving feedback, you can help each other to recognize what type of conflict you are.

Depending on how open you are, you could also look at a specific conflict of one person and address it.

If there is a conflict in the group itself, it should be addressed and solutions sought together.

Don't worry if tensions arise during the game. It can help to work through conflicts and underlying problems. Depending on the situation, it may help to appoint an observer for each group. They can advise their group. They can then become mediators if tensions arise.

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