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We have now playfully introduced ourselves to the forest floor. However, have we really noticed what it has on the ground?

We search and find surprising things in the forest

The following suggestion goes beyond the actual forest day. We present here a frame story that takes place every day and that creates rather quiet, contemplative moments in the lively camp life.

We get to know the forest as a habitat for plants in an experiential way. "Knowing" here means much more than just knowing the names. We learn about the characteristics and nature of plant life and try to get closer to them in different ways

Dusk is a special time in the forest. One has the feeling that silence returns to the forest. Probably this impression is based on the fact that the bird calls gradually disappear. But of course there is no peace in the forest, because now begins for many animals the actually active time of day.

Inline skating offers many ways to make physical education fun and attractive.

Frisbee games can be played anytime and almost anywhere.

An X-Athlon provides an answer to the question: how do you engage groups of children in a challenging and varied way without too much material expense?

Flag Football is an ideal preparation game for American Football

Useful advice for various venues and situations

Four different viewpoints on orienteering:

- Wildlife and bird species in contact with orienteers
- Sensitive terrain areas
- Consequences for course layout
- Ecological orienteering calendar

The forest offers ideal conditions for hide-and-seek as well as adventure games. However, clear rules must be agreed and certain safety precautions taken

Your camp participants should have many play options and opportunities available to them in the non-programmed time in camp ("marginal times") in self-selected play groups, in pairs or alone

Enterprises are larger games and sporting events in camp, such as:

- Olympiads
- Games tournaments
- Major competitions
- Games festivals

Are you taking home 3 cans of pepper and salt again after every camp?

Do you re-buy all your spices before each camp - and then find more somewhere?

Spices have a long shelf life and can therefore be used again in the next Pfila

Here are instructions to create a dart with a needle, 4 matches, a little thread and a piece of paper.

A Semester Program on Queen Esther

Visiting a cave is an exciting adventure for young and old. Natural wonders can be marvelled at, which can only be found in a cave.

Here you will find a beastly semester program

Here you will find a semester program on the body

Here you will find our semester program on the theme of different comic book characters.

Each afternoon we took a different comic book character through.

As decoration we always had a big picture of this comic character beamed on the wall at the entrance and showed a short film about the topic.

Here you can find our semester program about the Swiss trip

What to do if you have non-swimmers in your group?

Various running games in knee-deep water.

This is a semester program on Native Americans.

Push-up race in knee-deep water. Only the hands touch the ground. The feet can drag or paddle.

You can also do races in the water. Perform forward and backward in knee-, hip- and chest-deep water in succession. In deep water, assist with strong arm movements.

This is a semester program on the World Cup soccer theme.

From a piece of wood and some nails a hedgehog can be made easily and without much effort even with smaller children.

This is a semester program on the theme of Jonah.

Craft a great water rose out of paper and watch it bloom.

Many many games in 2 groups, in chair circle

Bible passages for focused prayer


Teens must earn points for their group by getting a stamp from the marked stops.

Make miniature match-powered rockets with just a few household items!

The Life of Elisa: 7 Days of Camp "Quiet Time"

During 8 days in "Quiet Time":
Living with God using the example of Daniel

The life of Joseph - he trusted in God

Time the kids with a mega scrabble!

The Adventure Camp post run will "de-ice" your teens, too

Making as much oil (Coke cans) dry up as possible and being the first to reach the finish line - these are the high goals that the teens set for themselves in this game.

Who dares, wins!

Riddle and brain game

Which group is the most credible encyclopedia?

An amusing race "for the food"

Role play around career choice, job interviews, bullying and career.

These topics are brand new to our teens as well. We play the serious case in a not quite serious way.

Water game with little effort - great success!

"A good picture is worth a thousand words; a bad one needs a thousand words to explain it." With good photos, you have a lot of options. Here are some ideas:

Cool terrain game for teens

Cross-country game just before Christmas
Result: creativity in designing an Advent wreath