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practical tips and specials


Just four documents in english and bulgarian that can help you teaching first aid subjects.

The aim of the Technik-Sternli is to teach children age-appropriate Jungschart techniques. A signature run is a good opportunity to apply the content of the Orientation Zack at the Jungschi level.

In terms of time, we are two years after Jesus was born, shortly before Joseph, Mary and Jesus flew to Egypt. It is assumed that Jesus was around two years old at this point in time.

Make a heart-shaped card holder out of wire. The card holder fits e.g. love (God loves you), friendship (e.g. story of David and Jonathan) or is suitable as a present for Mother's Day.

Here's how to make marshmallows yourself

A sweet Zvieri for over the fire

Make fun pencil ornaments with pipe cleaners

This game is an off-road game that can be played in an open meadow as well as in the forest.

A great little bag for devotions on a wide variety of topics.

You can also attach a hidden message that appears when you open the clothespin.

The game can be a bit brutal, but for letting off steam it is perfectly suitable.

This game is all about seeing and looking in the right place.

Here's how to make an edible crocodile from a cucumber.

The cucumber crocodile goes with, for example:

-A jungle program / party

-To the story of Joseph in Egypt (Nile crocodile)

Make a heart-shaped pillow with fur fabric

The pillow fits e.g. to the topics: love (God loves you), friendship (e.g. to the story of David and Jonathan)

No ideas for the silent time booklet (SZH) at camp? Maybe these two examples on the topic of "Petrus" will inspire you.

This is a night game that you need a forest or park to play.

+Good to have benches or chairs for this game,

Materials: Only a ball is required for the game.

+ The game requires no props.

+ Pleasant and fast gameplay.

A fun song with movements.

The song can also be sung simply in dialect.

This concept was carried out as part of the Besj League Zone Zurich. It is suitable for children and young people aged 9-16 years. It is meant to serve as a support for devotional preparation.

The basic idea for the concept was based on this article. Thanks for it: https://www.youngstarswiki.org/wiki/ueber-leben-mit-vision-hollywood.ht…

This concept was carried out as part of the Besj League Zone Zurich. It is suitable for children and young people aged 9-16 years. It is intended to serve as a support for devotional preparation.

Finally in a few lines you can discover evangelical scouts. A viable alternative. See:


Many and all Bible-based statements that become a love letter from our Creator to you.

Suggestions for group games of the teen club ELK Bauma

1. Discover your beliefs

2. What applies to me

3. My energy pie

Violence against children - a taboo subject

Exciting quarterly program for Ameisli with four originals from the Bible featuring:

- Cooking
- Physical activity
- Crafts
- Devotions

A diddly bow was originally an activity for farm kids. It was usually some stick, broomstick or the like, to which a tin can was attached and then a wire was stretched. By plucking it, you could play notes and by placing a bottle neck on the string, you could adjust the pitch.

As we are planning a trip to the local fire department with the Jungschar, I wanted to hold a devotion in the spirit of the unit program. But since I didn't find very much material for this, I worked something out myself. The goal was to form a tangible parallel between the world of experience of the fire department and the Gospel, but at the same time to be able to pass on a practical application for everyday life especially also for the many church children in our Jungschar.

65 Themes for Teen or Youth Evenings

Program for 1/2 Year Teen Youth Group

The giant dinosaur from the ice

This game is suitable for teaching young children how to handle and find their way through the Bible in a playful way.

This devotional was created for a fall camp (7 days) on the theme of the Wild West. Paralell to this theme the book of Joshua (life in the new land) was treated.

A circle game and word search game.

Game as a time killer on the go.

A circle game in which one participant has to find the conductor.

Game in which teamwork/cooperation is necessary.

Pass it around the circle with yes and no.

Embellish flower pots simply creative.

A quick game to get to know each other.

A slightly different game of hide and seek.

Funny pants bag game without material.

Craft/build something completely different for once!

A custom stool, very private one for each teen

The diamond knot is a beautiful decorative knot.