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Children who exhibit challenging behavior want to position themselves in the best possible way. I want to affirm these kids that they matter. I want to let them shine, because I want them to be king kids. 


A glance at the children's section of a bookstore is enough to see the importance of the theme of friendship. Books with tales of brave children's gangs share the shelf with friendship books to fill in yourself. 


Children want to have an answer to their questions. Therefore, we adults ourselves must first become clear about what death and eternity mean. 

As far as death and dying are concerned, one can observe two contrasting developments in our time and society: On the one hand, we are constantly confronted with death, often in great detail. On the other hand, talking about death and dying seems to be taboo. 




The more Bible knowledge we impart to our children, the better equipped they will be for life. Is that so?




- Where do we want to "lead" the children - they don't know the way!

- What is "leading / guiding?" How do you do it



Fit for Kids - the staff circle 

How can the gospel of Jesus Christ as a joyful and liberating message unfold its effect on children? 

The DISG personality profile is an instrument for determining individual behavior patterns and serves to promote self- and social competence. 

(Following are excerpts, complete article: see PDF file)


Having time management under control means:

knowing how and sticking to it

The "Five Faces" are different ways in which people come up with creative ideas. Most people use mainly one of the faces. However, each of the faces has advantages and disadvantages and works better in certain situations than in others. Therefore, we should try to train the different faces in us. We should also learn when to use which face best

Gain Self-Knowledge Through the 10 Commandments

Texts on this in the Bible: Exodus 20:1-17; Deut. 5:6-18; Matt. 5:17-7:29; 22:34-40; Gal. 5:16-24 


This is a summary of the book:

"Youth Ministry with Vision"

by Doug Fields from Projection J Publishing.

ISBN: 3-89490-318-X


International Basic Training BT1-07 Bodensee


A commitment can be the solution.

e.g. Stauffacher's words on the Rütli - in terms of the idea, they have lost none of their relevance

Young people need rules, pedagogical guard rails and guidance. But they also want to help shape their leisure activities.

The elaboration of a "Commitment" combines these concerns.

In today's sport: teaching noble values possible, or leaving young people to their fate. A critical view with the university lecturer university lecturer for philosophy and media theory and publicist Ludwig Hasler.


Rituals strengthen a community and remind what agreements are in place.


Developing the leader personality


The team benefits from the strengths of each individual.


A look at Swiss sport, at school or even beyond the borders shows: commitments are a topical issue. A selection of projects and addresses.


From the wrong to the right father!

Quiet Time - Day 1 - Day 7

The value of life - divine.

Divine life - without loss of value.

The task - to make life worth living.

What should be the nature of a camp leader?

Leading by example - You are always in the children's field of vision. You shape them unknowingly or consciously!  etc. etc.



Kids who are "just being disruptive" in our Jungschar:

Why do they just have to be in our youth group? 


Educational Miscellaneous - How Jesus Trained His "Crew" to Be Evangelists


Common Problems in the Jungschar


Currents and Influences on Teens Today

... and how do we counter the currents and influences?

In a group, people take different roles according to their character.

How do children believe at different ages?

Here you can find all the articles and posts that were created at the BESJ Teamweekend 12 in Huttwil. We wish you a lot of fun trying them out

Youngstars ministry is based on seven core values: Christ-centered, relational, needs-based, holistic experiential, multiplication, community-relevant, society-relevant.

Disciplined behaviour is extremely important in a Jungschar. Only in this way is it possible to run programs in such a way that they are fun for (almost) everyone. And only this way it is possible to do activities with a little higher risk with the children. In these situations we have to be able to rely on them.

This article describes the developmental stages of children and adolescents.

A night cross-country game in the forest, abseiling, a trekking camp, an afternoon of raft building and rafting. These activities have been standard in Jungschar work for a long time. Is this now already an experiential education activity? What opportunities and possibilities can offer an experiential education activity? 

This article is a Forum booklet article. 

How do children and teenagers learn? What shapes learning? What consequences does this have for the learning process? This article aims to provide information on these and other questions.

Children need exercise to develop healthily. Physical activity not only promotes motor skills, but also has an impact on all areas of development. In youth work we canmake an important contribution to counteract the increasing lack of exercise in our society. 

Here you can find all the articles and posts that were created at the BESJ Teamweekend 14 in Huttwil. We wish you a lot of fun trying them out

Knowing Biblical Cities: 8 afternoons

Jungschar Chrischona, Bettingen


Short introduction for BESJ warehouse staff course 2006/2007


Background information, suggestions for program design, food for thought for Jungscharn afternoons


Suggestion for 7-Day "Quiet Time Instruction" on Selected Chapters of Revelation

Why is there a need for something as old-fashioned and traditional as a uniform in the Jungschar?

This is a fair question. If you look into the question a bit, you will find many reasons to have a uniform in a Jungschar group. This article shows how a Jungschar uniform can become a can't-miss element in Jungschar.

A game where the head of the snake wants to grab the tail

The classic rope pulling, with various possible modifications

Here you will find a simple recipe how to fry nettles on the fire.

Spike your haymaker to the finish line

Hit the "buck" with your stone and don't get caught


This article corresponds to the BESJ annual focus 1993:

Worshiping God:

Youth group - church