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End of Year Celebration - Teen Club End of Year Party

For anniversary and inauguration celebrations, it's good to have sponsorship competitions.

Many different ideas or suggestions of ideas for young people's groups in the city.

Playing football with teens, modeling and passing on faith.

Offering Jungschar in a specific neighborhood in the afternoons to reach new children.

Going out of our own premises and being present in the village and on its official occasions as a Jungschar 

Offer a children's week at the public outdoor pool.

A children's week on the theme of "time travel"

For the anniversary year of the Jungschar, offer a Chilbi (German: Kirmes/Jahrmarkt).

Celebrate a Jungschar anniversary with other Jungschars in the region as well as with a festive service.

Playing Human Soccer with Asterix and Obelix.

Are our offers still customer-oriented? Do they still meet the needs of our time? These are questions that we have to ask ourselves again and again, if we do not want to lose the status and thus the children in our society.

The demographic development in Europe leads to a steadily growing proportion of children and young people with a migration background. Their integration is a fundamental challenge for the youth groups.

Wordle is an online software for creating word clouds. You can use it to decorate a flyer. Here the link to create.

Public relations means to communicate consciously with the public. This can be done, for example, by pushing newspaper articles or organising events that are specifically for the public (or a certain target group) (e.g. children's weeks).

This is how good newspaper articles are made: 

A good public image builds trust and gives valuable relationships. Writing for newspapers can be done by those who have basic knowledge of spelling, grammar and sentence structure. This article will give you some valuable tips.

30 Years Jungschar Rüti 

The anniversary celebration is a good opportunity to come out to the public, but also just to thank God for his faithfulness and preservation thought the now active leaders.

This article is a Forum booklet article.

Ideas for pre-evangelistic projects from practice. A field report from Langenthaler Jungscharen.

This article is a Forum Heft article and it is attached in full as a pdf below - only excerpts are reproduced here.



I'll do it! I'm not doing it! Do I? I'm not doing it?

Going out, reaching out to others, takes overcoming. What will she/he think if I suddenly come and exemplify the faith or tell something about it?

I am not going to do it

This article is a Forum booklet article.

Quarter afternoon with various games at posts.

Stand and human kicker at the village market

Individual stickers are always a real eye-catcher. They form a perfect advertising space, can be information carriers, to mark objects or simply used for decoration. Either you print your own stickers at home or look on the Internet for printing companies where you can design your own stickers.


For publicity locally, regionally or nationally of the teen group in church, at crusade, at graduation

See also Create article video

This workshop was prepared by me in the context of a camp (Steven feature film - the secret of the red thread) of Bibellesebund. It covers the topic of film from the basic idea to the production and post-production


A play on the theme: light and darkness


An afternoon of Jungschar in public - mingling with the public

Guaranteed to be an absolute HIT!

Quarter program for antli with:

Cooking, devotion, crafts and games

and ... Surprise parents and siblings!

To get to know the children's parents better, they can be invited to a meal. The meal is prepared with the children and the parents can only come at the arranged time, sit down and enjoy the cooked meal.

For a long time the church of F. has regularly made interesting meetings for the family members of the youth and teenagers. Everyone is invited - "family" is not seen so much genetically as "spiritually".

The family is a family

A week in which young and old, mothers and fathers, Kids Treff and Jungschar successfully pull together. 

5against5 known as a TV show (family quiz) is suitable as a quiz game in the afternoon or as an evening show on the occasion of an anniversary or parents' evening. The preparation for it is time-consuming, especially if the questions are created by yourself.

Invitations contain the necessary information about your events, such as meeting place and time. They serve on the one hand to inform your youth about upcoming events and on the other hand as a simple means to invite outsiders.


New, Effective Ways in Community Building

1. Family as part of the creation order

2. Happy families form the best foundation of any social order

3. Families - Temples of God

4. Family as a shelter against the destructive, anti-human decay

5. Families helping families - social networks

6. Winning whole families for the kingdom of God

7. Families experience joy(s) - imagination - peace

8. ... before it's too late


For a long time, the church of F. has regularly held interesting meetings for the family members of the youth and teenagers. Everyone is invited - "family" is not seen so much genetically as "spiritually". Everyone is invited to be part of the "family of God". Here even singles, grandmas, neighbor kids, single mothers .... feel comfortable. The meetings are organized by families or small teams from the community. The focus is not on perfect organisation, not on a stylish programme, but on fellowship, games, fun, conversations, spontaneity, mutual service, encouragement and sharing.

Developmental Psychology - Psychology and Bible

Reflection is about looking back and thinking about what you did and how. Through this reflection, you (or the team) come to conclusions about what should be done the same or differently again in the future. The aim of reflection is not to find as many mistakes as possible, but to improve the team as a whole.


Various variations on how to form teams for games, for example.

A simple technique to encourage children to provide brief feedback.

Whoever has done it before knows that explaining and leading games is not always the easiest task. The following tips and instructions should help you to become even better at it

The team success factors form a model in which the most important aspects of teamwork are highlighted. If there are problems in the team, these criteria can be used to investigate the causes. The model was developed by Marvin Weisbord

Homesickness happens to children every now and then, especially during extended camps in tents or houses. Sometimes it's hardly an issue, sometimes homesickness spreads like an epidemic.

In this article, you'll learn how homesickness develops, how to reduce the likelihood of it happening in the first place, and what to do when a child is homesick.

The night's rest is a much discussed topic in most camps. Here are some basic thoughts and experiences about it. You have had other experiences? Then feel free to add to this article!

Empowerment has a lot to do with trust, acceptance, personal commitment and empathy. These things can only be partially learned. However, every leader should know what "motivation buttons" there are in relation to children (but also adults). Experienced leaders use the motivators that are appropriate to the situation and person.

This document gives you a little insight into child development, specifically competencies. We often expect too much from our children, or overtax them. Even in the Jungschar work, where we do not see the children every day, it is important to know their level of development.

Useful tips and links about personality tests

Memorizing names is sometimes quite difficult. However, if we do it and consciously address our counterpart by name, we show our appreciation for this person: "You are important enough to me that I have remembered your name."

Lesson for KIDSTREFF

Some churches have switched to the KIDS TREFF/Promiseland model. There are new lesson materials for this. In this post, we take an existing lesson written for Jungschar and modify it so that it can be used in KIDS TREFF. 

See PDF file for detailed description and instructions