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Games and sports
An X-Athlon provides an answer to the question: how do you engage groups of children in a challenging and varied way without too much material expense?
Four different viewpoints on orienteering:
- Wildlife and bird species in contact with orienteers
- Sensitive terrain areas
- Consequences for course layout
- Ecological orienteering calendar
The forest offers ideal conditions for hide-and-seek as well as adventure games. However, clear rules must be agreed and certain safety precautions taken
Your camp participants should have many play options and opportunities available to them in the non-programmed time in camp ("marginal times") in self-selected play groups, in pairs or alone
Enterprises are larger games and sporting events in camp, such as:
- Olympiads
- Games tournaments
- Major competitions
- Games festivals
Are you taking home 3 cans of pepper and salt again after every camp?
Do you re-buy all your spices before each camp - and then find more somewhere?
Spices have a long shelf life and can therefore be used again in the next Pfila
Here are instructions to create a dart with a needle, 4 matches, a little thread and a piece of paper.
Visiting a cave is an exciting adventure for young and old. Natural wonders can be marvelled at, which can only be found in a cave.
Here you will find our semester program on the theme of different comic book characters.
Each afternoon we took a different comic book character through.
As decoration we always had a big picture of this comic character beamed on the wall at the entrance and showed a short film about the topic.
You can also do races in the water. Perform forward and backward in knee-, hip- and chest-deep water in succession. In deep water, assist with strong arm movements.
From a piece of wood and some nails a hedgehog can be made easily and without much effort even with smaller children.
Making as much oil (Coke cans) dry up as possible and being the first to reach the finish line - these are the high goals that the teens set for themselves in this game.
Who dares, wins!
Role play around career choice, job interviews, bullying and career.
These topics are brand new to our teens as well. We play the serious case in a not quite serious way.
"A good picture is worth a thousand words; a bad one must be explained in a thousand words." You have many options with good photos. Here are a few ideas:
I wanted to tackle the meaning of the cross with our church youth group, aged 12+, who are predominently not church-going children.
Below is an outline for a talk which worked really well for us as the framework for an evening around a campfire - taking the group through from an easy introduction to symbols and logos through to a biblical presentation of the meaning of the cross.
We finished the evening with a challenge to the children; to make them think more carefully about the cross and what it means to them. You may want to change this to better suit the type of group you have, and where they are on their spiritual journeys.
"The project method is the method of methods," says M. Golpelwar, an expert in youth work.
The top projects have been tried and tested in practice and have been well received in the relevant teen clubs, teen groups of the Jungschar etc.
This is what we live for: All children and young people in Switzerland have the opportunity to hear the gospel in such a way that they can make a decision for Jesus and be encouraged in their discipleship.
(BESJ Mission, according to Matthew 28, 18-20)
Transport yourself to the Wild West: After a long journey, the Indians have reached an unknown land. It's called Catan! But you are not the only one. Other intrepid Indians are already in Catan: the race for colonization has begun!