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An interesting game idea for 4 game parties

I wanted to tackle the meaning of the cross with our church youth group, aged 12+, who are predominently not church-going children.

Below is an outline for a talk which worked really well for us as the framework for an evening around a campfire - taking the group through from an easy introduction to symbols and logos through to a biblical presentation of the meaning of the cross.

We finished the evening with a challenge to the children; to make them think more carefully about the cross and what it means to them. You may want to change this to better suit the type of group you have, and where they are on their spiritual journeys.

Suspenseful terrain game with "Einstein, Madonna, Rambo, Schwarzenegger and 007"

"Project method is the method of methods," finds M. Golpelwar, an expert in youth work.

The top projects have been tried and tested in practice and have been well received in the respective teen clubs, teen groups of the Jungschar etc.

Sustainability in relation to faith

This is what we live for: All children and youth in Switzerland have the opportunity to hear the Gospel in a way that enables them to choose Jesus and be discipled.

(BESJ Mission, according to Matthew 28:18-20)

Three arguments for your personal testimony

Transfer yourself to the Wild West: The Indians have reached unknown land after a long wandering. Catan it shall be called! But you are not the only one. Other intrepid Indians are already in Catan: the race for settlement has begun!

for you and your team

Steps into God's presence - in five steps into the "tête à tête" with God. Here, across from God, you will find energy for you and your team

Workshop 1 on Article Evangelism ... for you

Why does God allow suffering?

How do I explain the difference with Islam?

Does we need a God if we can explain the laws of nature and life through evolution?

Is belief in God something for the weak?

Why we should evangelize ale team in the first place.

For evangelism, you have to be on fire yourself

"Charisma is when someone burns inside and you feel it outwardly."

(Gerhard Schöne)

In search of opportunities for evangelistic children's or youth ministry. A critical analysis, with the goal of finding positive approaches to evangelism!

Playground structure determines play behavior

A very nice team game for all ages, but highly recommended for ages 15 and up, and a "must play" for students.

Juggling is a physically and mentally relaxing activity

In practice, the suitability of commitments becomes apparent.

more than a feeling
more than songs
more than many words
more than a tradition
more than a program

Our Jungschi organises a schoolboy floorball tournament for the local area

The teens create their own newspaper. The newspaper is supposed to be their mouthpiece, which comes (as much as possible) uncensored to the public.

Encourage the teens' existing creativity and let it come to fruition by planning, designing and realising a joint project. It is possible and makes sense to let the teens themselves work out the type and execution of a project in the competition. The joint realization of the project should lead to a sense of achievement, which encourages more creative activities (project can be combined with public relations!)

The Megaton is about making a film using the simplest means possible and within a 'normal' programme. Can be shown at parent or information night. All teens should be engaged in the process.

During all four seasons, we draw various comparisons to us humans based on nature:

Spring - preparation
Summer - growth
Autumn - harvests
Winter - rest

The text from Luke 19:11-26 (the entrusted pounds) is to be thought through and experienced practically. During the set time, a certain amount of money is to be multiplied in a creative way. The money collected is to go to a social or missionary cause.

Discover God's plan!

Learn the sequence of events in the Bible from creation to Revelation and make your own Bible panorama. Look at salient points in the story and use a particularly important point for devotion.

The aim of the Gelateria is to create a cosy place where young people can be together in an informal way. It should be a cheap alternative to the Beizenbesuch and allow contacts

Teens create one or more circus shows

We organize a soapbox race with as little effort as possible. This can spur the teens and kids to build their own soapboxes.

Take charge of and conduct worship with the entire teen group from A-Z.

Each teen and leader is involved and put to work according to their gifts.

How to print a t-shirt with teens?

Here are the instructions: made easy!!

- Introduce games - play

- Conduct an entire tournament at the end of the game period


Basic Idea/Objective:

To learn about new sports with the teens and use them as spiritual comparisons in devotions.

Teenies can participate in a self-chosen interest group for a certain period of time. They work actively and propose project topics themselves, e.g. foreign cooking

If you want to make a movie with a group of teens over a long period of time, you can use the script you already have or opt for your own book or story.

Rodeo on spring-loaded wooden buck with saddle for teen group occasions in the village / neighbourhood

To be a main leader in the Jungschar involves several important points:

Even the smallest thing which we consider unimportant can make a huge difference in the world.

The story of Noah's Ark is told in this theatre from the point of view of the animals. They have to decide if they want to believe Noah and the promises of God and go on the ark, or they stay on earth like the other spotters. For them the decision has far-reaching consequences, once they are on the ark there is no going back. At the same time, each animal has its own character traits and a different opinion about the ark.

The drama has a lot to do with trust and faith in God's promises. It is meant to bridge to our own faith lives. Do we trust God 100%? Are we already on the ark or are we about to be?

The play is written in beautiful Bärndütsch and is peppered with numerous little gags. It was written for a Pfila, so it is also expandable.... ;)

A creative form of prayer where everyone participates and has fun

Goal of the game:

- Extinguish torch from the other village
- Cook food (zVieri/snack, dinner) - for this you have to keep the fire going

Plaster masks can be used for a theater or as decoration. Here you can learn how to create them.

Attention, Ready, Paul: Here you will find a weekly plan on the theme "Attention, Ready, Paul" and some pictures, as well as a short review of the conducted autumn camp.

Here you will find a semester program including a spiritual concept on the theme "In an inflatable boat on the ocean".

In the Rubber Dinghy on the Ocean is familiar to many as a childhood audio book. It is the story of a group of 8 US Army personnel who become lost in the Pacific Ocean due to a technical malfunction and are eventually forced to make an emergency ditching. With the ditching begins the exciting fight for survival where it can go around the earlobe or a Schnitz orange.

The audio book "Im Schluchboot uf em Ozean" is still available in various bookstores.

Locally, regionally, or nationally, create teen group performances at church, crusade, graduation party

Perfect if you don't want to organize too much, but still want to have fun.

A little game to illustrate that we are to look to God and not to the people around us.

Tips on quiet time

Thinks from Martin Luther

Various camp programs with a "Gold Diggers"
